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Thread: Postpartum Hormones and Hair

  1. #1
    By a Hairsbreadth Shepherdess's Avatar
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    Default Postpartum Hormones and Hair

    I have a question! So from my understanding a lot of women go through postpartum hair loss oftentimes around 4-6 months postpartum, but some can get it even later. I was reading that this is partly due to the hairs resting phase being extended or something due to the elevated hormone "estrogen" during pregnancy. So my question is, would those with a longer terminal length have hair loss later than someone with a shorter terminal length? Has anyone had personal experience with this?

    I have not experienced postpartum shedding yet, everyone kept asking me around 4-6months but I had not experienced any yet. I notice now at 9 months postpartum I am beginning to experience a little more shedding than normal. I am not sure if this is just my normal periodic shed or if it is finally that dreaded postpartum shed. So far my hair is still very thick, but now I want to learn more about how this all works! It has made me very curious!!
    Final Goal: Terminal lengthLady Randiriel, Shepherdess of Tithenmamiwen

  2. #2

    Default Re: Postpartum Hormones and Hair

    That’s an interesting question! I don’t know the answer.

    I think that breastfeeding can delay postpartum shed? Maybe? I can’t remember.

    I had very short hair when I was pregnant and when I had my baby, so I didn’t notice the shed at the time. I noticed when the dandelion seed head of new growth popped up

  3. #3
    By a Hairsbreadth Shepherdess's Avatar
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    Default Re: Postpartum Hormones and Hair

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Stardust View Post
    That’s an interesting question! I don’t know the answer.

    I think that breastfeeding can delay postpartum shed? Maybe? I can’t remember.

    I had very short hair when I was pregnant and when I had my baby, so I didn’t notice the shed at the time. I noticed when the dandelion seed head of new growth popped up
    Oh that could be too! hmm it is interesting to think about! I know it can delay ones time of month, although I got mine back right away. hmm

    That's interesting!! I know I have heard with other people they didn't always notice the shedding but noticed the new growth.
    Final Goal: Terminal lengthLady Randiriel, Shepherdess of Tithenmamiwen

  4. #4
    Member Aerya's Avatar
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    Default Re: Postpartum Hormones and Hair

    I started to shed around 3 months pp, I think, but I haven’t noticed any big change in thickness now at almost 6 months. I definitely have been shedding more than normal, but not as much as I’ve read others do. But then again my shedding didn’t stop during pregnancy - I shed less, but there was still noticeable shedding each wash day iirc.

    Interesting question about terminal length, but I hope it’s not like that given that I shed early-ish :P I have no idea what my terminal length is but I’m nearing BCL and I think I still have a while to grow before terminal.

  5. #5
    By a Hairsbreadth Shepherdess's Avatar
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    Default Re: Postpartum Hormones and Hair

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerya View Post
    I started to shed around 3 months pp, I think, but I haven’t noticed any big change in thickness now at almost 6 months. I definitely have been shedding more than normal, but not as much as I’ve read others do. But then again my shedding didn’t stop during pregnancy - I shed less, but there was still noticeable shedding each wash day iirc.

    Interesting question about terminal length, but I hope it’s not like that given that I shed early-ish :P I have no idea what my terminal length is but I’m nearing BCL and I think I still have a while to grow before terminal.
    From what I understand after reading about it further, the growing phase is different than the resting phase. The resting phase is just how long the hair stays once it has finished growing before it sheds. The growing phase and then the resting phase is prolonged with pregnancy hormones, so that's why some women shed so much postpartum with the drop of hormones since more hair jumps into the resting phase with the drop in hormones and then shed after reaching their terminal length. The growing phase usually lasts around 2-7 years according to google. I'm still a little confused on how much each phase is prolonged for both pregnancy and postpartum. But I guess this is why some women end up with such thick hair during pregnancy because it doesn't shed as much as normal with the hormones keeping it in the growing/resting phase longer. It's very interesting. I just wish I understood it better.
    Final Goal: Terminal lengthLady Randiriel, Shepherdess of Tithenmamiwen

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