How beautiful! Your hair journey pics are great!
Your hair is so stunning! I hope mine will look as pretty as yours as it grows out
long hair is self care ♡
Chin ♡ Collarbone ♡ APL ♡ BSL ♡ Mermaid ♡ Waist ♡ Hip ♡ TBL ♡
How beautiful! Your hair journey pics are great!
Here we grow again!
Thank you everyone for your kind replies
foreveryours The ends are over-achievers and all the rest are lazy
You're right embee it's so much easier to convince them to stay in a bun!
Hopefully there will be at least 6 more years
So beautiful!! The thickness has travelled down very well in only 6 years. I think you could still have a while to go before terminal
I don't remember what length I was originally striving for, only that I kept moving goalposts as I reached milestones I thought I'd be happy at xD But now I'm also contemplating a cut for blunter and easier-to-manage ends.
Your hair looks so buttery soft! Absolutely gorgeous.
Beautiful hair and wonderful achievement! Congratulations!
Beautiful! It's stayed so full on the ends too. I'm battling the humidity frizz as well
That's great growth progress! And, I love your hair color as well! :-)
(Chin length) (Shoulder Length) (Bra Strap Length) (Mid Back Length) (Waist Length) (Hip Length) (Tail Bone Length) (Classic Length) (Mid Thigh Length) (Knee Length) (Calf Length) (Ankle Length) (Floor Length)
Wow it looks so healthy!