HAHAHAHA amazing dream! I get really nervous before haircuts too, I've had so many awful ones over the years.
My boyfriend's parents gave him a mullet as a child...terribly unfortunate.
I had a really bad dream last night and I just had to share with folks I thought might understand!
I've been growing my hair for around eight months now and I'm due for a trim. I have a haircut booked for next week, and I've been thinking/worrying about it, where I never really cared if they took too much off before. Well, last night I had a dream that when I went in for my hair trim, I ended up with a mullet! Really short on top and long in the back, it was terrible...who knew I'd ever be nervous about getting a haircut!
HAHAHAHA amazing dream! I get really nervous before haircuts too, I've had so many awful ones over the years.
My boyfriend's parents gave him a mullet as a child...terribly unfortunate.
Eep what an awful dream! I've had weird ones about hair too. Since I got dreadlocks, I had a weird dream that my hair grew into one big massive tangle. Scary
Your neighborhood LHC-friendly hair stylist Anyone is always free to PM me if they have any questions they think I might be able to help with, hair or otherwise!
Not to worry, just go in to your stylist singing these instructions:
"Don't break my heart, my achy breaky heart, I just don't think she'd understand . . . "
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Good thing it was only a dream. When I took my daughter for a trim to straighten up her hair, the one hair dresser, who is about 40-45 yrs old, has a mullet, its short on top and bsl in the back. What was she thinking, being a hairdresser. Good thing the other lady cut my childs hair. hee hee
Of all the horrible things a hairdresser could do to you, a mullet would definitely be one of the worst, IMHO. ICK!
Oooo, just had to add. Both of our sons have grown their hair out a couple of times in their lives. Each time they decided to go short again they wanted me to cut a mullet first so they could wear that around for a while. (Just for the record, they think mullets are awful. Which is the reason they wanted one for a while, so they could be the 'crazy mullet guy'.)
I laughed and told them I have standards . . . there are just some things I will not do!
My mom loves mullets! She thinks they are so practical- neat in the front and long in the back. I say GAHHH!!! Several times she has tried to get one, but I talk her down from the ledge. A really fun website to go to if you want a laugh is www.mulletsgalore.com
Oh, poor you! I know that sort of dream. I guess everybody growing their hair out is having such dreams....
Hopefully you have a skilled hairdresser who does exactly what you want.
At true tailbone!
Ahhhh! that's worse than my really short hair dreams. I always end up waking up so relieved that it was only a dream.
Don't worry, I'm sure your hairdresser knows better.