Just a few items that are too big or just don't work for me and are are not getting any love. I will ship worldwide. Buyer pays actual shipping.
- Elymwold new style fork. SOLD
- Elymwold new style fork. SOLD
- Timberstone Turnings "Princess Eve" Celtic Knot Hair Stick featuring Maple Inlaid with Green Fresh Water Pearls. A bit over 6" total length. $50 (Original listing unavailable)
- Timberstone Turnings "Princess Eve" Dragons Hair Stick featuring African Blackwood inlaid with Lavender Fresh Water Pearls and Gold Extreme Pearl Essence. Just over 6" total length. $50 Original listing: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1432150...isting_details
- Medium Amethyst Ficcare. SOLD
Thanks for looking!