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I too had a problem with my cloths not being absorbent and fabric softener seems to be the culprit. Brand new cloths especially, it seems like manufactures love soaking thier products in the stuff. I have taken to always doing a vinegar rinse instead of fabric softener on all of my loads now. Sometime it takes several washes before the slick oily feeling of the fabric softener is gone and full absorbency is achieved. Vinegar also helps insure that the detergent is completely rinsed out and I suppose it would help with any hard water issues too, but I don't have hard water here, so can't speak to that in this fashion too much.
P.S.: I read a tip once that if you want immediate results to boil the offending article in vinegar. I've never done it so cannot speak to it's effectiveness but it sounds logical too me since hot vinegar is great for removing build up.