I reached my goal length which was Waist.
My goal then changed to go longer and have tailbone be my ultimate goal
My goal length has not changed
My goal length is now longer
My goal length is now shorter
I am new to LHC and have not previously had a goal length
I have reached my goal length
I am still growing toward my goal length
I reached my previous goal and decided to go longer
I reached my previous goal and decided to go shorter
I have no goal
Terminal/Ankle is my goal now with bleached hair, I want to give up trimming all together unless it gets super scraggly and transparent.
I reached my goal length which was Waist.
My goal then changed to go longer and have tailbone be my ultimate goal
My goal length got longer, and I'm still growing but I'm nearly at my last goal length.
I reached my goal which was waist. Then I decided I liked a certain hairlength on Pintrest:
If you wear a pair of jeans, there's a v seam above the back pockets. It's beautiful when it's the same length as that seam.
It is now longer than I ever thought it would be (mid back) but I need to trim it
Reminder that this set of annual polls runs until the end of February. Don't forget to vote!
58.5 in, 2a, F, ii (3 in)
Lady Kawaii-In-The-Garden the Terminally Curious of the Order of the Long Haired Knights
Mod hat off. Mod hat on. Don't make me wear the mod hat, it messes up my hair. *grin*
I already voted but my goals changed to hip I want to have a goal I can reach while I'm under 45
Previously it was as long as it could be, but now I am aiming for midback length. And I cut it twice last year so my shortest layer is eye length, the longest collarbone
A whole lot in my personal life has happened and also with my hair thinning out due to styling it wrong (ugh), and so now I am, for the moment, content with a shorter goal. I have to take it day by day, and am going to. Previous: classic. Now: BSL.
Last December I was at about TBL-BCL and I was already suffering a lot from it I think my hair is a bit thicker (and heavier) than average and I also enjoy doing cardio a few times a week. After a month of contemplation I decided to chop most of my hair off and donate it to a charity that makes wigs for cancer patients. Then I got some highlights with a subtle red and purple dye. I'm not sure if i'm allowed to dye my hair according to LHC guidelines for healthy hair, but i just wanted a change
I'm now at a short bob that's approaching chin-shoulder length My hair grows well enough, so let's see where I am by the end of 2023... still thinking of different, more comfy ways i can strap it down for my workouts once that longer length starts coming in! I am still contemplating if I want it back anywhere near BCL but i will probably not be trimming this year.