Most important to me is the fact that there is scientific research that supports the results reported in all of the Honey threads to date, that honey lightening is
not damaging to hair.
The recipe ingredients that contain peroxide, starting with honey, all contain constituents that have been
clinically shown to protect human cells from hydrogen peroxide damage. IMO, as I have said - this extends to hair.
From past honey lightening recipes, tomato, a peroxide booster now
not recommended because of its Vitamin C content - also contains these protective constituents.
“Tomatoes and tomato-based products contained primarily quercetin …. and…. myricetin.”
Hibiscus or roselle, also now
not recommended for honey lightening because of Vitamin C - contains quercetin.
“…. flowers of Roselle …. contain quercetin …. “
While the amounts of these constituents may vary and the honey lightening peroxide containing ingredients do not necessarily contain all of the protective constituents named in the research, the reported results in the Honey threads have been consistent - honey lightening has not been reported to cause hair damage.