A nautilus bun.
It's still on my head and not dyed my record for not dying was maybe 43 days I'm up to day 32 ish and when I come back from my trip it will be day 40 ish not going to lie it's slightly tempting to bleach it before I leave but trying to be strong! I won't get out of buzz if I keep going and like Freddy Mercury used to say " I want to break free"
A nautilus bun.
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc
I pray for inner peace, family peace, world peace...Imagine whirled peas
Lady Marina...Dweller, Explorer, and Protector of the Mermaid World
Opted out of the friends program, nothing personal
My sleeping braid in a cinnabun
Be nice or the beast will scream
Lady Raven, Guardian of the Enchanted Forests of Nevermore. In The Order of the Long Haired Knights
A cinnabun
Be nice or the beast will scream
Lady Raven, Guardian of the Enchanted Forests of Nevermore. In The Order of the Long Haired Knights
Tatsilus bun
Be nice or the beast will scream
Lady Raven, Guardian of the Enchanted Forests of Nevermore. In The Order of the Long Haired Knights
a simple English braid
Lady Elenya of Galadhrim in the Order of the Long Haired Knights*BSL*MBL*Waist (definite goal)* 2b/F
@serendipity_in_sonder on IG