Tatsilus bun
Thanks Priska and Fornarina.
Yes, they are fulani braids inspired!! It's too much work for me to do a bunch of tiny ones without help though so I just go with the bigger size. And it took me until late 2021 to figure out dutch braids/cornrows, so I say keep trying until you get it!
Today I have a simple braided bun.
Tatsilus bun
Be nice or the beast will scream
Lady Raven, Guardian of the Enchanted Forests of Nevermore. In The Order of the Long Haired Knights
Lovely LWB
A nice bun makes the day.
Nautilus bun
A nice bun makes the day.
Lovely LWB
A nice bun makes the day.
English braid. Away from home for the last couple days without a hairstick, so it's been an English braid each day
LWB and a fork
A nice bun makes the day.
A high bun, held by a clawclip.
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc