Thanks all!! I had a thought that maybe it was too whimsical but it was well liked by other people when out and about as well so I think I'll include more butterflies in my styles this summer.
Today I've a disc bun and it's doing a great job keeping me cool in this sweltering weather.
Nautilus bun
A nice bun makes the day.
Currently wearing french braids, with two hair clips with cat motifs. Very pretty, and very "halloween".
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc
Yesterday I had horizontal L infinity and it was rock solid. I've been struggling with other buns. I haven't done an L infinity for at least 5 years and I'm glad I remembered.
Thanks. and you know, orange is one of my favorite colors, so that was rather suiting how you chose it for my username.
Here are two more pictures from yesterday, so you can see my clothes. As you can see, my top matches the hair fork.
And those who have watched the Wednesday tv-series, will recognize the name Nevermore Academy.
Last edited by Für immer; June 17th, 2024 at 04:11 AM.
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc