Currently yesterday's braid I slept in.
Will prolly swich it for a nautilus before I head out for work.
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc
French braid
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc
Celtic knot
A nice bun makes the day.
Looking good! Glad to hear that your hair is feeling back to normal.
I've just learned a lot about the lipid layer of hair, and how intwined it is with both the cuticle and the protein of hair itself, and how much trouble it can cause if depleted, so now I want to be extra careful about maintaining the PH balance of my hair. (I say, as I go to get my hair highlighted )
Anyway, I'm wearing a french twist today. After washing it, it'll be in a peacock twist.
Thank you for caring ETJ CURLS!
Dutch braid
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc
Currently wearing yesterday's dutch braid, that was used as a sleeping braid.
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc