I had it down, now it's in a topknot bun type thing.
Aaaaaand, I ended up with a Gibralter bun, using a pair of hairsticks and 2 spin pins.
Grew to knee and chopped to a pixie June 2020
Started growing again May 2021
I had it down, now it's in a topknot bun type thing.
I was so lazy that I just left it down in my sleep bonnet all day. I just now mustered up the energy to braid it.
Folded up Dianyla braid (with faux-leather slide). My folded braids have started to look more braids and less buns.
Always behave like a duck -
keep calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle like the devil underneath.
ponytail, because I'm cool like that.
henna keeps it red, and red makes me happy.
Pixied for 15+ years and liked it.
Growing for fun.
Nautilus bun, my new favorite bun!
Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.
Lady Scarlette, Traveler of the Road to Dawn in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
Tied back loosely as its freshly washed...
Nautilus with malachite swap board fork.
Tried for a folded braid, but I don't own a slide that will hold it.
So the braid went into a bun at the nape of my neck held with those "Good Hair Days" thick hair pins, because it's hot and I'm planning to do laundry today, so I wanted a 'do that would stay out of my way!
Carys decided my comb (which I had set on the edge of the sink while I was braiding my hair--mistake!) would make a wonderful toy, so I had to rescue my comb from shenanigans.
Not quite APL -> APL -> BSL -> Mid-Back with compact-cut layers and holding a while-> ???