In a very simple top knot it's so quick and easy, I can't stop doing them!
My hair is down today. I scrunched some Jessicurl Gelebration spray in it to enhance my waves.
In a very simple top knot it's so quick and easy, I can't stop doing them!
Goal met and exceeded, now what?
I have curly virgin hair which is currently tailbone length un-stretched.
english braid
In a peacock bun.
Plain old boring pony tail. Wash day tomorrow though
Two side french braids
Simple low ponytail
Currently in a french twist held with spin pins [one of my favs, now that I can get it to stay ]. Here shortly, when I get ready to leave, I'll take it down and french braid it. Lara Croft braid!
I have been considering cutting up to waist lately :O It is currently just above TB, b/c I keep trimming it...
2a/b / M/C / ii. Low porosity.
Here's my rainy-day-do today!!!
Debra LHBT
December 25, 2013 - length check -12t/1 cut
Lady Aedos of the Pureheart Grace in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!
Tried a rose bun again today. Why, oh why, do mine not look as cool as everyone else's?
"Snuggling is sex without the fluid exchange."