Hello all! New member to the site but long time lurker. I have been growing my hair for about 2~3 years now and have found many great tips from all you lovely gals (and guys!?). Anyways, I'm happy to finally say my hello!
My hair's about mid way down my back, 1C, medium thickness with average volume. At least that's what I could gleam from the visual hairtyping guide.
I recently got pregnant (12 weeks along). Besides my many other hormonal changes, I have noticed a huge change in my hair: it is now very waxy and oily, limp and lifeless. After a shower, it looks as if I haven't rinsed properly. My hair brush is also covered in disgusting white gunk every time I brush.
I'm not new to product build-up and use a clarifying shampoo once a week. The clarifying shampoo still works, however as soon as I go back to my shampoo the waxy oilyness is back!I wash my hair twice a week and don't use any styling products. And I have also tried new shampoos to no avail.
My problem is I know that clarifying solutions are drying for hair, so I can't use it every time I wash. Does anyone have any solutions that I could use every time I wash my hair to keep the wax at bay and restore shine and healthiness to my hair?