Awesome ! I just found you guys and hit "like".
Fellow LHCers,
There are a few pages on Facebook for the Long Hair Community, but not an official page directly linked to our community. I hope you'll understand that our page was not created to step on anyone's toes, but rather to update people to the status of our website and provide an official place for people to connect while we're performing maintenance. I truly appreciate the other supporting pages, the admins of those pages, and the purpose that those pages serve.
Please feel free to "like" us if you'd like to be kept up to date on Facebook regarding any of the major happenings of our community. (please be aware of the "the" in the address)
Sincerely, Stephanie
Awesome ! I just found you guys and hit "like".
Found & liked! woohoo it'll be much easier to convince friends & family we're not all a bunch of creepers on here!
Yay! Found & liked :-)
Just liked it yay! :3 We should have like a huge chat group where we can all discuss together instantly like on FB or something. XD I know I was part of a FB chat group of hair growers on a French page.
Exclamation mark fortified and darn proud!
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