About to do a nice wash with my innersense shampoo and briogeo mask
long hair is self care ♡
Chin ♡ Collarbone ♡ APL ♡ BSL ♡ Mermaid ♡ Waist ♡ Hip ♡ TBL ♡
Going back to gelatine again. Noticed that I must keep changing the products I use all the time.
Currently learning that taking out my wooden hair fork and gently massaging the entirety of my scalp with it feels amazing. This must be how cats feel. It definitely makes me want to wear the fork more often cause I'm usually a Flexi-8 girl.
Oh sing me a song of the sea,
Selkie, siren, sisters thee.
Trimmed a few centimeters back to solid BCL. Never did more than a dusting on myself before this, so I wanted to see how it felt. I probably need about three inches taken off to get perfect ends, but I'd really like to be at my goal and then microtrim. Starting to feel like I should just bite the bullet and do a big trim, though!
Last edited by Kelp; July 31st, 2024 at 11:35 AM.
Oh sing me a song of the sea,
Selkie, siren, sisters thee.
Measured, micro trimmed, and a quick S&D
I pray for inner peace, family peace, world peace...Imagine whirled peas
Lady Marina...Dweller, Explorer, and Protector of the Mermaid World
Opted out of the friends program, nothing personal
Little bit of s&d, and fighting the urge to microtrim. I just did one two weeks ago; gotta give it at least another two.
long hair is self care ♡
Chin ♡ Collarbone ♡ APL ♡ BSL ♡ Mermaid ♡ Waist ♡ Hip ♡ TBL ♡
I use leave in conditioner and I keep my Dutch braids in for 3-7 days.
I just oiled the mids and ends with amla oil and have a paranda braided into it. Parandas have been an absolute godsend, since I wanted to cut out hair ties and scrunchies always fall off the ends of my hair.
I'm extraing in a tv series, and the hair&makeup gave me a huuuge paranda braid with beaded tassels! My hair has never looked so thiccc
I'm fine
Lady Sarana, Ranger of the Eastern Hills
in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights