Great pics everyone!
Wishing you all love, joy, and peace!
Ah--there's definitely a lot of similarity! Fortunately, there's a little waviness to my hair now (I think because it's long--hair on top is still super-straight) and no bangs! I'm sure your brother's hair was quite bright in the sun (neither of our pics appear to have had much light).
ETJ CURLS, awesome pictures! Already said it, I think, but that purple color really suits you.
Liked the outfits on both of you. And your friend's hair's gorgeous.
Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc
love your hair, love the color, love this whole scene
TWA -- shoulder -- collarbone -- armpit -- mid back -- waist -- hip -- tailbone -- classic -- mid thigh -- knee
Fantastically gorgeous, both of you, and your outfits look like the characters of Spring and Autumn.
Looks great!