If I lose 100 hair strands everyday, in less than three years I would have hairs for one whole wig. Business idea?
Yes and they say that this 100 hairs per day is normal tempo...
I have strongly considered this. Tuanyiji inspired me to attempt it, but so far it's just been too much work to actually gather, and keep untangled and stored in some way, that many hairs. Sometimes I wonder if it would make more sense to shave my head now for a wig, while I still have enough hair. But I would be so sad to reach the end of growing my hair for now, without the promise I will ever be able to get it back this long. Also I just don't even know enough about wigs to know how that would work
Also in that club. Wasn't going to get up extra-early every day and wash my hair and blow-dry and curl the ends under, so I just walked around looking like crap with flat, stringy hair that had ends that flipped up. I finally figured, if it's just going to lie there flatly, I might as well grow it long where it's *supposed* to just lie there flatly.
With the added satisfaction that when someone asks you, "Is that your own hair??" you can say, "...yes."(And then take it off for them if you want...)
Also, it would be perfect for doing hair stuff you'd never do with your own hair. Like, I always thought it would be awesome to dye my hair royal blue. I'd never do it, for so many reasons. But if I had a whole wig? Definitely. Blue hair when I want, regular hair when I don't. Or you could cut it to whatever length you want. Etc.
I think it would take more hair than that, as well. Somewhere out there is, or used to be, a business (meant for people losing hair due to alopecia, cancer, etc.) where you could shave your hair, send it to them, and they'd make it into a partial wig-- it'd be like a ring of hair you'd wear under a hat, so it'dl look like you had a full head of hair, and it'd be your own hair. But that was the most they could do with it; I think their site said specifically that just shaving off your hair wouldn't be enough for a full wig because apparently a full wig takes more than that or something? So you'd have to shave your sheds for a long, long time on top of shaving off what you currently had.
(I wonder, though, for someone with really long hair like us... could they take it, cut the length into two or three shorter lengths, and then use that? I mean, for me, cut my hair's length into three and I could probably have at least a shoulder-length wig, if some length was lost for processing. Or does all of the hair need to be from the root?)
Putting it in my signature because I have to say it so often:
Do what works for your hair, not what other people say is "right" or "wrong." If it works for you, it's not wrong. If it doesn't work for you, it's not right.
I dyed my hair all black to reduce fashion color urges, let's see how this goes growing out my manic episode 🙃
You know I never thought that doing what I do with my hair could be considered self mutilation my mother mentioned it last night and it's got me thinking....maybe it's that and not boredom??