I officially now know macadamia dries my hair out, I did the same hot oil treatment I did the other day but cut out macadamia oil and my hair feels great! It's all soft not like the straw ends when I added it last time
I officially now know macadamia dries my hair out, I did the same hot oil treatment I did the other day but cut out macadamia oil and my hair feels great! It's all soft not like the straw ends when I added it last time
Lady Nehalennia of the Mirrored-Seas in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
SL / APL / SBL / MBL / WL / HIP / BCL / TB
My dye has faded to a more golden colour and now my roots are coming in looking straight up grey, lol.
'Unfortunately it might destroy you as well as your enemies - I have 100% hit myself in my own eye with my braid at karate before'
There go my dreams of being a long-haired ninja...
If anyone's seen the movie "District 13: Utimatum", there's a woman who adds a weapon at the end of her braid to fight with Her clothes are a little bit revealing so don't watch the clip if you're against that kind of stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sys0_uyQ5k
Last edited by TatsuOni; September 3rd, 2020 at 11:17 AM.
Be nice or the beast will scream
Lady Raven, Guardian of the Enchanted Forests of Nevermore. In The Order of the Long Haired Knights