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Thread: biography of my hair

  1. #1
    Member Ricky22's Avatar
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    Default biography of my hair

    Heres a lil summary or story of my hair lol, I'm bored right now and I thought this would be fun. Lets see where do I begin, all my life I've pretty much had a lowcut or just short hair period because my parents would never let me grow my hair out because they my dad has that military mindstate and my mom has that mindstate of not likin the look of hair on black males, its funny though when I was a baby my mom said I came out with a full head of big what happened to them!! I kinda wonder if maybe I had grown my hair out since the day I was born would I still naturally have those big curls it just kinda makes me wonder. I remember back when I didn't know nothin about takin care of my hair or the appearance of it, lol I couldn't brush my hair worth nothin I would always brush it the wrong way simply because back then I wasn't caring and then everytime I would get a haircut I'd be feeling all embarassed because I would have mad dandruff and it'd be all over the barbers floor lol. When I hit about the beginning of the 10th grade thats where I started wondering about "Waves". Like the wavy 360 degree hair patterns you normally see on black males, I began to desire to have that look because I liked the way it looked and my dad has naturally wavy hair and they'd be better if he actually tried to make them look good. During that time period I began to obsess over brushing my hair I mean I STAYED doing it in school sometimes instead of doing my schoolwork, lol even some of my teachers had to ask me about my habit and I even invested in hair grease to speed up the process, I remember I would always put that stuff on my hair after gym class because I'd be scared my waves would get messed up, pretty soon I had some of the best wavy hair in the whole school like I would always get compliments from it by friends and females. After a good while of sporting waves as my hair grew just a lil thicker as I kept brushing my hair I would notice that it would start curling up along with waving up and I was feeling this new discovery and luckily for me my dad was going away to Iraq for a businesstrip or somethin. So after he left I stopped getting haircuts and I began to sport short curly hair, lol people would always call it a jheri curl and eventually when I went with my mom to Walmart I bought my very first afro pick, lol that was a very proud day for me. I didn't use it right up front though, one of my friends was over and he noticed my hair was growing so he picked it out for me and I had a lil mini-fro going on and I remember how I started touching it and patting it feeling how cottony and thick it felt because I never knew what my hair really felt like before. Periodically at school I would switch between curls and a mini-fro, lol everytime I knew I had to meet this cute hispanic girl to talk to her in the morning I made sure to have my hair curly though.

    Eventually my hair kept growing and growing over time until the point where my hair became to thick to brush my hair curly anymore.....RIP jheri curl lol, but my hair still wasn't long enough to braid right up front so I remember how I began lookin up hair information on the net and I came up info on dreadlocks so I started becoming curious, like I found this method called brush-rubbing where I take a soft bristle brush and rub it in circles around my hair and lil balls would form and after you keep doing it for a while their begin to form into mini-dreadlocks, I got the hang of that after lots of practice so I started rocking my hair like that with a headband all the time, all my friends liked it. I thought it was cool how my hair always sticked up but my mom always had somethin to say about it but I always shrugged off her opinions.....I would be thinking to myself "Mom you got a freakin perm your too scared to even take care of your natural hair texture don't try to tell me about what I should do with my hair!?" but anyways when school started again I usually did that hairstyle and suprisingly some of my teachers liked it BUT my dad had came back from Iraq and he wasn't feelin it and after a bit of argueing with him he agreed to let me keep my hair as long as I didn't have my hair dreaded up and if I had my hair braided neat so my dad had me out of school for a lil bit and took me to get my hair cornrowed for the first time ever, it felt awkward and it hurt my scalp at first but I got used to it, the girl braided a nice design in my head kinda like Allen Iverson....but unfortunately back then I didn't know how to take care of them really and plus my hair was so short back which made it harder but things kept going good and my dad went back to Iraq eventually. My mom got this wise idea to get my hair "shaped up" supposedly and she took me to the barbershop....when I saw that haircut I thought I was gonna flip! he had me lookin like Steve Harvey he had cut off way too much hair but thank goodness my hair grew back super fast....I think its because of all the hair grease I rubbed on my scalp, I eventually started desiring another look for my hair, a curly afro look like those mixed dudes have. It took me forever to try and figure out somethin because random gels and whatnot didn't do much but I think my hair got used to what I was doing to it and it started to curl up crazily and wild-looking and when I poured water in my head and shook it that was like icing on the cake, I was feeling that look thats why I couldn't wait for my hair to get longer it would look even cooler BUT my mom made me do another hair trim.....and once again my hair grew back super fast....except my hairline it got pushed back it took me forever to grow that back and weren't none of the girls showing me luv. My dad came back from Iraq again this time again threatening to cut my hair but thanks to sleeping in extra late and periodically dodging him I avoided getting my hair cut and he eventually went back to Iraq, this summer these days I have my mom keep my hair braided for me because I don't be feeling like messing with my hair honestly and I thought my hair needed a rest, lol but I hate how my mom hot-combs and presses my hair straight to make the braiding easier and plus my mom told me that my hair has been growing and that my ends are getting longer and easier to braid, lol put a big ole grin on my face and I remember how I told her my hair growed slow but she told me that she thinks my hair grows fast, well its probably because shes looking at my hair from her point-of-view most likely but it feels so much like my hair don't be growing especially when its not braided I hate that feeling so sometimes I wish I had hair texture like someone with non-nappy hair but I'm not into perms and plus my hair is what makes me myself, lol my braids are fuzzy as heck right now but ah well I just rock my durag until its time for them to be redone and hopefully my hair will be really really really big by wrestling season which is like in November.

    Well I hope you all enjoyed reading it
    Last edited by Ricky22; August 12th, 2008 at 03:22 AM.
    heres my myspace:

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  2. #2
    metamorfose ambulante Bene's Avatar
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    Default Re: biography of my hair


  3. #3
    Longhaired Intellectual Periwinkle's Avatar
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    Default Re: biography of my hair

    That was really interesting to read. I know next-to-nothing about taking care of anything other than my own straight/wavy hair, so that was something of an education!

    Just one question - what's an afro pick?

    September 2013 - waist length (though not on its best day!)
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    ~ Lady Tyche of the Blessed Fortune in the Order of the Long Haired Knights ~

  4. #4
    metamorfose ambulante Bene's Avatar
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    Default Re: biography of my hair

    Quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle View Post

    Just one question - what's an afro pick?

    it's a type of comb...

    it's sort of like when the curlies brush their hair out, and it gets all poofy. a pick generally undoes any curly hair, separates any coils, and makes it stand up, so that it ends up in a general all around shape: the afro
    Last edited by Bene; August 12th, 2008 at 04:48 AM.

  5. #5
    Member vampodrama's Avatar
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    Default Re: biography of my hair

    that was an interesting read.

    I've never seen a coloured person up close, so now I'm all curious about the look and texture of their hair etc....

    maybe I really should travel more

  6. #6
    Chocolate domino anyone.. darl_in1's Avatar
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    Default Re: biography of my hair

    Quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle View Post
    Just one question - what's an afro pick?
    This is an afro pick (aka afro comb)

    Ricky - Just an idea, but have you thought about starting a blog? It's a really good way to keep records like this so you can refer back to them in the future and to update your progress. It just occured to me that it's something that you might like to do, as your post would be a perfect start for a blog. I'm sure a lot of people will be really interested to follow your progress and it's a great way for them to do so and it's much easier for people to keep in touch and leave their comments there than having to search the boards for your threads everytime. Just an idea.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning" Catherine Aird

  7. #7
    Member Ricky22's Avatar
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    Default Re: biography of my hair

    thanks for all the love ya'll showing me

    lol I couldn't find the blog section
    heres my myspace:

    "Life is but a dream"

  8. #8
    Queen of Purls Carolyn's Avatar
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    Scroll up to the top of the page. Look for the gray bar. Click on the word BLOGS. That should get you there.

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  9. #9
    Not in Ohio Ohio Sky's Avatar
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    Default Re: biography of my hair

    Quote Originally Posted by vampodrama View Post
    that was an interesting read.

    I've never seen a coloured person up close, so now I'm all curious about the look and texture of their hair etc....

    maybe I really should travel more

    "up close" makes it sound like you've gotta go hunting to find them or something, lol. I know what you mean, though. We don't have any kind of ethnic diversity around here either. It makes for a much less interesting community.

    It was interesting reading about your hair, Ricky!

  10. #10
    mother of microtrims :P
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    Default Re: biography of my hair

    Wow, sorry to hear your parents are not too fond of your hairstyle...
    good argument about Mom though.

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