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Thread: Please help-scalp psoriasis

  1. #1
    Member themostsilly's Avatar
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    Default Please help-scalp psoriasis

    I have suffered with scalp psoriasis for about a year and a half. But untill the beginning of this winter, it was easily managible and never was very severe. Untill now that is, ever since it has gotten cold here, my scalp has been terrible. Very dry/flakey, and very itchy, nearly all the time.
    Not only is my sclap itchy, flakey, and in places scabby, my hair has also taken to shedding MUCH MUCH more than normal.
    I am very frustated because all of the wonderful progress has made since joining LHC is going down the drain. And the worst part about it, my wedding, the main reason I have been working toward long healthy hair, is just a couple of months away, and b/c of the recent downturn my hair/scalp has taken it won't get to be the crowning glory on my big day.
    I need help. I would like to be able to improve the condition of my hair and scalp before the wedding. So if anyone has any knowledge or experience dealing with scalp psoriasis, I would love the advice/help.
    Currently my hair care regime is using sulphate free shampoo, washing less frequently, doing an SMT about once a week(usually left on overnight) And I am also cone free, as well as use ACV rinse(use to be regularly now less frequent since it seemed to cause dryness)
    Any and all advice is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Account Closed by Member Request
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    Default Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    Quote Originally Posted by themostsilly View Post
    I have suffered with scalp psoriasis for about a year and a half. But untill the beginning of this winter, it was easily managible and never was very severe. Untill now that is, ever since it has gotten cold here, my scalp has been terrible. Very dry/flakey, and very itchy, nearly all the time.
    Not only is my sclap itchy, flakey, and in places scabby, my hair has also taken to shedding MUCH MUCH more than normal.
    I am very frustated because all of the wonderful progress has made since joining LHC is going down the drain. And the worst part about it, my wedding, the main reason I have been working toward long healthy hair, is just a couple of months away, and b/c of the recent downturn my hair/scalp has taken it won't get to be the crowning glory on my big day.
    I need help. I would like to be able to improve the condition of my hair and scalp before the wedding. So if anyone has any knowledge or experience dealing with scalp psoriasis, I would love the advice/help.
    Currently my hair care regime is using sulphate free shampoo, washing less frequently, doing an SMT about once a week(usually left on overnight) And I am also cone free, as well as use ACV rinse(use to be regularly now less frequent since it seemed to cause dryness)
    Any and all advice is appreciated.
    Catnip tea is wonderful for the scalp and I use it for much more, It is a specific for scalp irritation and itching.

    I was born with eczema and I have mild psoriasis. Neither are an issue with me though.

  3. #3
    Member QueenMadge's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    I have scalp psoriasis and have tried all kinds of prescription/non prescription products on it. The best thing I have found for me is apple cider vinegar applied either straight (be careful because it can burn, but for some reason my scalp tolerates it), or diluted with a tiny bit of tea tree oil in it. I use a plastic hair dye applicator bottle and mix it up. apply it carefully to all the areas of my scalp that are irritated and then put on a plastic hair cap and let it sit as long as possible. It stinks so I do this on weekends usually. After it has sat for as long as I can do it, I rinse it out with warm (not hot or cold, but at least luke warm), water and then apply conditioner to my hair from the ears down. I have found that some conditioners I have used have caused irritation if I get them on my scalp but not if I put them just on my hair. Another thing I have found that helps but not as well (though it doesn't smell) is ascorbic acid diluted and applied to the scalp and left on as above. It seems there is something in the acidity that help my psoriasis clear up.

    The ACV is the only thing that knocks the itching out asap and for the longest time. I use Braggs acv, but I think any natural brand with the mother would work. Good luck and I hope something helps.

    Lady Madghe, Queen of the Curls of Beauty in the Order of the Long Haired Knights ~

  4. #4

    Default Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    I've never been "diagnosed" per se, but have always had an irritated, itchy scalp. The two things that helped me were (a) ditching all shampoo with "sulphates" and using henna.

  5. #5
    Karma Guru sibylla's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    Heavy oiling is good. Vaseline on dry patches. carry a mister with water,coco nut oil and aloe vera and apply if hair feels itchy. Only wear cooton near face and head.Hope this helps!
    Lady Geshtai of the Blessed Waters in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  6. #6
    Queen of Pentacles jera's Avatar
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    Wink Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    I don't have psoriasis, but in India Neem oil is widely used as a treatment for severe inflammatory scalp conditions. It might work for you if nothing else does.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    My boyfriend has psoriasis all over. We use this lotion with great success, but as he shaves his hair it is hardly a comparable situation. Thought I´d mention it anyway. Urea and sea salt are our Holy Grails.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    You don't mention whether you've been diagnosed by a doctor with psoriasis, the autoimmune disease. If you haven't, from your description, you could actually have eczema or seborrhea instead. Which would be a happy thing, because both are more easily treated than psoriasis. My husband has psoriasis all over, and unfortunately there's no cure yet, just a variety of treatments to make it somewhat less annoying. The are some fairly new treatments available by prescription that it might be worth talking to a doctor about, but none of them is a silver bullet, and most have caveats.

    Check out this site:
    which describes a variety of treatments for psoriasis of the scalp.

    The treatments for psoriasis mostly seem to break down into three types:
    1) Moisturising, emollient treatments, to make the skin more supple, less dry and itchy.
    2) Chemical exfolliants (like lactic acid, salicylic acid) to help remove some of the scaly skin of the plaques.
    3) Anti-inflammatory ingredients (like hydrocortisone cream), to soothe the inflammed skin.

    I think you need a lot of trial and error to determine what's best for you.

    If you haven't tried Conditioner-only washing yet, it might work for you, at least at keeping your scalp more moisturized.
    Last edited by joyjoy; March 11th, 2009 at 04:50 PM. Reason: Poor spelling in the original

  9. #9
    Member themostsilly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    I have not been diagnosed with psoriasis myself, but my mom has suffered with it for almost 20 years, and was diagnosed it, my scalp issues are the same as hers. Although hers is much more severe and widespread than mine. I will try the ACV again, and look into the catnip and neem oil.

  10. #10
    Member snnej's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help-scalp psoriasis

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the long hair community and have not introduced myself yet but I had to respond to this post. I have had severe scalp psoriasis since I was a kid and have tried just about everything. My psoriasis is triggered by stress and allergies which in turn will lower the immune system. over the years I have learned that the best thing I can do is to keep my immune system strong. I do several things to keep my system in balance. I drink aloe vera juice, take probiotic capsules, and am a vegetarian. I noticed a few years back that there is a connection to eating meat and my flare ups. I also do not eat any dairy products, they also cause flare ups. I still have an itchy scalp but there are no more open sores and I don't have to apply so much of the prescribed meds. I hope this helps. It sucks. No more ice cream or cheese but it's worth it.

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