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Thread: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

  1. #1
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    Angry Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    I know we’ve all had them at one time or another....Nightmare Salon Visits!

    Please share your bad experiences here...anything from disastrous haircuts to horrible dye jobs.

    I’ve had far too many bad salon trips to even mention here. I’d be writing a bloody novel!

    The last time I went to a salon was for a haircut. A trim, to be exact. I asked for an inch to be removed. I even brought in a mini ruler in my purse, to show exactly how much I wanted cut. Not surprisingly, close to 4 inches was removed.

    This was not an isolated incident. It’s happened to me many times. I now cut my own hair and will never trust another hairstylist ever again.

    How about you? Tell us about your nightmare salon visit.

  2. #2
    Member Doreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    My visit itself wasn't a nightmare, but back when I was at knee my stylist took a picture of my hair and put it on their social media and some of the comments were extremely creepy or rude. I've had my fair share of creepy comments in real life but people on FB were over the top and seemed to come out of the woodwork. Hid the post from my feed, unfollowed the page and after that I started self-trimming. No hard feelings against the stylist because she did exactly what I asked for but it just stressed me out a lot.
    { tailbone classic fingertip knee ankle }

  3. #3
    ^ YLVA, not YIVA! Ylva's Avatar
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    Default Re: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    I don't think I've ever had issues with having more cut than I requested... But I've got a couple of things to share nonetheless.

    The stylist had no clue about how to deal with long hair. She herself had about ear-length hair which she teased a lot. Back then, I asked for some highlights. The colour result itself was not bad at all, I liked it a lot, but when she was washing my hair, all of my lengths were just piled into the sink. What came out of that was a tangled ball, which she proceeded to rip through with a brush, starting from the roots, just ripping happily. I commented on the amount of hair I was losing that I found it worrying, but she chuckled it off. Truth be told, my scalp was also hurting from all the hair pulling.

    The next hairdresser I went to was a bit disrespectful. She made fun of the condition of my hair, then proceeded to make it much worse by misusing Olaplex. You're supposed to leave the No.2 in the hair for at least 10-20 minutes, but she spoke of it as a "conditioner" (which it is not) and only left it in my hair for about one minute. Of course I still paid full price for the visit, even though my hair was left in much worse condition than it was meant to be in. On my second visit, I had booked Olaplex again on their website. While she was mixing the bleach, I asked her if Olaplex was in. She would have forgotten it completely had I not asked about it. But that's not all, it was only then that she said they actually don't use Olaplex anymore, but a different brand. I wasn't really okay with that, because I knew that Olaplex was patented and that chances were the other product wasn't going to function the same way, and I had no idea about it, as many of the other "plexes" tend to have very vague explanations on their websites. Unfortunately, back then I didn't know enough about Olaplex to question the way she used it, but later on I gave them a very negative review on Facebook - that was all I could do about it then.

    My current hairdresser isn't perfect either, but nonetheless, I am soooo happy to have found her after pretty much losing faith in "hair experts" after those incidents.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doreen View Post
    My visit itself wasn't a nightmare, but back when I was at knee my stylist took a picture of my hair and put it on their social media and some of the comments were extremely creepy or rude. I've had my fair share of creepy comments in real life but people on FB were over the top and seemed to come out of the woodwork. Hid the post from my feed, unfollowed the page and after that I started self-trimming. No hard feelings against the stylist because she did exactly what I asked for but it just stressed me out a lot.
    Wow, talk about taking liberties! Like you were some freakshow being used for their entertainment! I would have had an absolute fit. I doubt that did much to bring her any new business and it may have even sabotaged her current clientele. I mean if I saw a hairstylist and her gang, ridiculing and making negative comments about a client’s hair, I’d dump them in a New York minute. You are very nice but truthfully, once she saw people were being mean, she should have deleted the post. People on Facebook can be brutal. Sorry that happened. Did she even ask your permission to post your picture?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ylva View Post
    I don't think I've ever had issues with having more cut than I requested... But I've got a couple of things to share nonetheless.

    The stylist had no clue about how to deal with long hair. She herself had about ear-length hair which she teased a lot. Back then, I asked for some highlights. The colour result itself was not bad at all, I liked it a lot, but when she was washing my hair, all of my lengths were just piled into the sink. What came out of that was a tangled ball, which she proceeded to rip through with a brush, starting from the roots, just ripping happily. I commented on the amount of hair I was losing that I found it worrying, but she chuckled it off. Truth be told, my scalp was also hurting from all the hair pulling.

    The next hairdresser I went to was a bit disrespectful. She made fun of the condition of my hair, then proceeded to make it much worse by misusing Olaplex. You're supposed to leave the No.2 in the hair for at least 10-20 minutes, but she spoke of it as a "conditioner" (which it is not) and only left it in my hair for about one minute. Of course I still paid full price for the visit, even though my hair was left in much worse condition than it was meant to be in. On my second visit, I had booked Olaplex again on their website. While she was mixing the bleach, I asked her if Olaplex was in. She would have forgotten it completely had I not asked about it. But that's not all, it was only then that she said they actually don't use Olaplex anymore, but a different brand. I wasn't really okay with that, because I knew that Olaplex was patented and that chances were the other product wasn't going to function the same way, and I had no idea about it, as many of the other "plexes" tend to have very vague explanations on their websites. Unfortunately, back then I didn't know enough about Olaplex to question the way she used it, but later on I gave them a very negative review on Facebook - that was all I could do about it then.

    My current hairdresser isn't perfect either, but nonetheless, I am soooo happy to have found her after pretty much losing faith in "hair experts" after those incidents.
    Omgosh, this is terrible. It’s like many of them just don’t care at all.

    One time a hairdresser was trying to rip through my hair with a brush too...totally oblivious to how hard she was pulling and ripping. I stood up out of the chair and took the brush right out of her hand and proceeded to brush it myself. She didn’t like it one bit but I really didn’t care. I don’t allow anyone to abuse my hair like that. Her own hair was frazzled and fried, so of course she wasn’t going to care for my hair when she obviously didn’t even care about her own.

    I treat my hair like it’s a fine lace when I comb it. Very gentle and slow. The truth is that nobody will care for your hair like you will.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Blondie Locks View Post
    Wow, talk about taking liberties! Like you were some freakshow being used for their entertainment! I would have had an absolute fit. I doubt that did much to bring her any new business and it may have even sabotaged her current clientele. I mean if I saw a hairstylist and her gang, ridiculing and making negative comments about a client’s hair, I’d dump them in a New York minute. You are very nice but truthfully, once she saw people were being mean, she should have deleted the post. People on Facebook can be brutal. Sorry that happened. Did she even ask your permission to post your picture?
    She did ask permission and I said it was fine. The comment that accompanied the picture was very respectful, something like "Here is our client's beautiful well maintained hair. We are happy to cater to all your hair needs no matter the length." The stylist is one of my mother's friends so I know she didn't have any ill intent. Most of the rude comments were from other clients or people who had 'Liked' the page and it came up in their feed. I think the post did get deleted after some very perverted comments. It was just nervewracking because I wanted to defend myself in the comments but also didn't want to expose my identity so I thought an out of sight out of mind approach was best. When my mom went in to get her hair cut later in the month, the stylist apologized for it getting out of hand in the comments.

    Editing to add that I live in a small town and the salon is small so it was really surprising and I had no idea how to deal with it. I suspect that someone shared the post to their own page and their friends came in with the comments since the salon page barely had any comments on their other posts.
    Last edited by Doreen; September 23rd, 2018 at 06:56 PM.
    { tailbone classic fingertip knee ankle }

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doreen View Post
    She did ask permission and I said it was fine. The comment that accompanied the picture was very respectful, something like "Here is our client's beautiful well maintained hair. We are happy to cater to all your hair needs no matter the length." The stylist is one of my mother's friends so I know she didn't have any ill intent. Most of the rude comments were from other clients or people who had 'Liked' the page and it came up in their feed. I think the post did get deleted after some very perverted comments. It was just nervewracking because I wanted to defend myself in the comments but also didn't want to expose my identity so I thought an out of sight out of mind approach was best. When my mom went in to get her hair cut later in the month, the stylist apologized for it getting out of hand in the comments.

    Editing to add that I live in a small town and the salon is small so it was really surprising and I had no idea how to deal with it. I suspect that someone shared the post to their own page and their friends came in with the comments since the salon page barely had any comments on their other posts.
    Ah, ok...thanks for clarifying. I was gonna say! I guess I just had the wrong impression. I’m so glad it got taken down. That was the right thing to do. Good that she apologized too. I can totally understand how it would have upset you and made you anxious. I would have felt the same way. Glad it turned out ok in the end.

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    By the way Doreen, I see from your avatar that you have gorgeous hair. Nobody should be saying anything but wonderful things about it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    I've had no negative experiences since going long. But when I wore a short cut, I had quite a few questionable moments at he barbershop.

    One barber cut a very good pompadour. Very skillful. The problem was that it was the only haircut he would administer on me. And his goal was for my bangs to be long. There was a running joke in my family that I was going to get my hair not cut.

    No matter what he was told, I would walk out with an increasingly long pompadour. The bangs exceeded 11" at one point and went past my chin...after being told I wanted a short cut for summer.

    When I changed to a flattop I discovered barber bouncing. An interesting experience. Giving each the same instructions, I would walk out of different shops with wildly different cuts. My least favorite was one which tapered outwards, similar to Kim Jong Un. Extra short and very precisely administered, it was an extremely good cut but very unflattering. My head looked like an upside down triangle.

    My second worst was a flattop administered by an elderly barber who messed up in two different ways. First, the deck was not level. It was tilted, sideways, enough to be easily noticeable. And when I got into daylight I noticed that the deck was not flat, looked like he had taken scoops out of the hair. Possibly my worst flat, ever.

    Happily I was a good enough barber to fix it. It was super short and not ideally flat, but it looked good when I was done. It needed to be entirely resculpted.

    It's a good thing I always enjoyed the barbershop, or I would have gone to self styling years earlier.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Share Your Nightmare~Salon~Trip Stories Here!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjk View Post
    There was a running joke in my family that I was going to get my hair not cut.
    Hahaha...made me chuckle.

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