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Thread: Vinegar ACV rinses

  1. #1
    Member DollyDagger's Avatar
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    Default Vinegar ACV rinses

    Hi All,

    Do you routinely do ACV or white vinegar rinses? How often do you do them? How do you determine when its time to do a rinse? What is your hair like before and after you do them? What is the proportion of the solution you use? Do you use it after shampoo and before conditioner or after conditioner?

    TIA for sharing
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  2. #2
    shapenote singer embee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    I have not used vinegar rinse for many years. When I did I was living in a place with extremely soft water which *would not* rinse the shampoo out no matter how long I stood there under the shower. My dermatologist suggested diluted vinegar to cut that soapiness. It worked wonderfully.

    Many years later I used that again when I was washing cloth baby diapers. The pediatrician suggested it to cut any residual soap. Worked well there too.

    So if you have very soft water, a dilute vinegar rinse is something to sericously consider.

  3. #3
    Member enting's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    I do a vinegar rinse every single time I wash my hair. I use it instead of conditioner, after shampooing. The dilution I use is something like 1/4 vinegar and 3/4 water, though I don't measure it, I just eyeball how much I'm putting into the bottle I keep in the shower. The water where I am is pretty hard, and I find that vinegar makes my hair more comb-able than conditioner manages to do; somehow conditioner seems to dry my hair out, where the vinegar doesn't.

  4. #4
    goin' far beyond the sky vpatt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    I started with ACV and now use white vinegar (for silver hair). I put a big splash of vinegar in a large plastic drinking "glass" and then fill it to the top with cold water. Cold to close the hair cuticle. I use the vinegar rinse when I use bar soap or Dr. Bronner's liquid soap. Because I read that it brings the ph back to normal after using soap. I do occasionally use commercial shampoo and conditioner and then I rinse with plain cold water. My hair is not very tangly doing this.
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  5. #5
    Multiple Accounts Laughter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    I just started doing ACV rinses a couple weeks ago.

    I LOVE what ACV does to my hair. I've mentioned in other places around the boards that I've been having thyroid issues which has caused shedding. The ACV rinses seem to have slowed that down a little, thank the Lord. That's actually how I came across it - I was looking for natural ways to help with shedding, and found this article: Make Your Own Natural Vinegar Hair Rinse.

    I don't know if it will be the ultimate answer to my shedding problem, but even if it's not, it's really helped my hair over all. I'm not sure if it was related to the thyroid issues, but about a month ago, my hair suddenly became very limp, yet oddly frizzy at the same time, and it was adding to my frustration with the shedding because not only is it thinner now, but it really looked lifeless. The AVC rinse changed that. It brought back all my bounce and curl, and made it soft and shiny. My mom saw such a difference in my hair that she wound up trying an ACV rinse on her hair as well and loved it just as much.

    I now plan to do an ACV rinse every time I wash my hair, so that will be about once a week. For me, I notice a difference in my hair the instant the ACV hits it. The strands immediately feel soft and smooth. I've seen quite a few of different recipes for ACV rinses, but I use a 1/4 cup of ACV in about 16oz of cool water. (I use an empty shampoo bottle, which I really like since I can squirt the rinse onto my scalp and hair easily.) I do the rinse after I shampoo and condition. I leave the ACV in my hair for maybe three or four minutes, then rinse it out well.

    The only draw back is the smell, which is quite strong during the rinse, but for me, it's completely worth it. And, thankfully, most of the AVC scent evaporates as the hair dries.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    I have done an ACV rinse with tea and rosemary. It makes my hair feel "clean" but since I'm not consistent about doing it couldn't say a big difference has happened with my hair.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    Where I live we have extremely hard water. After almost every cleansing, I use an ACV rinse. I have a very large plastic cup that I splash a tablespoon or so of vinegar in, fill it with water, and when I am all done with washing my hair, I pour it through and rinse. I used to have such an itchy, flaky scalp. The ACV really helped me out.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    I have a squeezy waterbottle that I use for ACV rinses after every wash. I just eyeball the amounts and add a few drops of jojoba, tea tree, and/or other oils and shake the whole thing before shaking/dripping it through my hair. I think it does help my hair feel less straw-like and my scalp less itchy.

  9. #9
    Member roseomalley's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    I do a white vinegar rinse everytime I shampoo. My hair is grey, so I do not use ACV, which may yellow my silvers. I just put a small splash of white vinegar into a tall glass and add water. I pour it over my hair after i am done rinsing under the shower.

  10. #10
    Member syndel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vinegar ACV rinses

    I do an ACV rinse every time I wash my hair (so, once a week or less). I just make up a solution in advance and keep it in a water bottle in the shower, I don't use specific measurements but I'd say it's probably about 150ml vinegar to 600ml water, going by my 750ml water bottle lol. I'll splash some essential oils in there too if I'm feeling fancy. Since I use shampoo bars I'll use the rinse after washing the shampoo out, then I'll usually do my deep conditioner after that if I am going to use a conditioner - vinegar rinses pretty much replace the need for conditioner so I don't always feel the need to use one.

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