Put it up and ignore it until I have the time, energy, and/or patience to deal with it.
Put it up.
Leave them down.
Create new updo.
Cut them
Change color
Cheese them
Samebraids are my go-to if my hair isn't doing what I want...but they aren't something I'd wear to class.
Put it up and ignore it until I have the time, energy, and/or patience to deal with it.
Leave mine alone and go look at picture of others hair.
Kay , BSL > MBL > Waist > Hip
This is so me! I have at least four or five different characters and each one feels more like the real me at different times. So I'm always switching up my look. Which makes for a very confused wardrobe!
I do usually cut my hair when I get bored. I really want to break that habit!
Reached my goal of knee length/50 inches. Now seeing how long it will go!Long Hair Carolyn on YouTube
Change my bun. Learn a new braid. Buy a new styler. So far I've never been tempted to just chop it off.
I am Galvatron … you have no right to change what I am!
I am currently growing my hair out from a pixie (1inch) and am at ear length - thankfully my hairdresser is brilliant and has helped prevent frequent terrible hair days but there's always the odd one where my hair won't lay properly so I tend to grab a scarf and wrap it.
If I get bored with my hair, I tend to do things without thinking it through. That's one of the reasons why I've had quite a few shoulder length cuts over the years.
Put it up.
I often switch my part as a zero commitment way to feel like I've made a change. I also will watch videos to learn new hair styles, or even about people who have made drastic hair changes. Sometimes watching other people's hair cut and dying experiences is enough to scratch my boredom itch!