I saw my first white hair when I was like 10 I ignored it and I didn't start getting alot until now in my early 30s been using henna for a long time but I haven;t hennad since summer of last year so now they're half white then dark red grrr.
Mid-twenties. Now in my mid-thirties they are here and there, coarse and thick, orange-yellow because of the henna gloss, standing out in my black hair.
My sister also had the first silver hairs in her mid-twenties, and she panicked and asked me to pluck them out, ouch!
I saw my first white hair when I was like 10 I ignored it and I didn't start getting alot until now in my early 30s been using henna for a long time but I haven;t hennad since summer of last year so now they're half white then dark red grrr.
How can I control my life when I can't even control my hair!
I'm 25 and I started getting them 2 or 3 years ago. I just found a nice big cluster of them on the left side of my head above my hear. Countless strands... it scared the crap out of me when I first found it!![]()
I got my first ones around 25.
I don't have any silvers yet but I have a friend who started getting them at 18. It really is just luck of the draw.
Striving for my terminal length.
Don't have any yet but my partner started getting them around 26. He always asks me to pull them out but I would never do it. I think my mom started getting some white strands in her late 40's.
It started when I was at high school
Indian Herb Article Wstern Herb Article 2b/C/ii/iii .
Lady Aes Cyprium, Potionmaker and Alchemist to the Order of the Long Haired Knights
I am actually rather surprised by the dominant number of people that have experienced the appearance of silver hair between the ages of 20-30. I would imagine that biologically there could be some factors involved that might affect such a transformation. If memory serves me correctly I think I remember really only noticing what were, at the time, various single strands of silver hairs around the age of about 35 maybe. I thought it was somewhat appealing then perhaps due in part to a kind of visionary perspective. Now those single stands have evolved into actual streaks of greatly contrasting hair I think. But it really only shows when my hair is positioned just right or combed back, as all the silver is like an underlayer or something. But this is what happens now when I brush it all back to ponytail it.
2012 which is why I decided to grow my hair really long. Did that for four years until a Longhair I met in Wal-Mart told me about LHC. Wish now that I had got her info so I could know who she is here at LHC![]()
Lady Shannon
Dragon Longhaired Knights
Cairehre Mountains