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Thread: Furnival's Workshop

  1. #521
    Elf Queen Aredhel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Matcha View Post
    I love my antler helix! They do work like bigger spin pins, especially the more tightly coiled antler ones. I've had three beautiful wooden helices that sadly had to be rehomed because they just didn't work in my hair. They could only be screwed into the bun two or three rounds, whereas the antler helix goes round five to six times which seems to make a big difference. It's waterproof, very light and sturdy and very easy to use. The only negative thing about the antler helix is that it has yellowed quite a bit and looks like it needs a trip to the dentist.

    I wear mine in a loose disc bun or spock bun (see below). Coiled or braided buns might not work so well, because they need some wiggle room to get in to the bun and tighten it up a lot.

    And I can attest to Furnival's awesome customer service. She fixed a broken fork for me once and was an absolute pleasure to deal with!

    Go get one, you wants it!

    That looks so elegant in your hair!! Very tempted to get an antler helix like yours, but I'm holding out for one with a 3-prong antler topper right now... One can never have enough antlers. A antler without a topper will be my next purchase though, most likely.

  2. #522

    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Thank you, Calypso and Aredhel!

    @divinedobbie: TL 5.5", FPL 5".

  3. #523
    Elf Queen Aredhel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    My new antler helix!!

    Still trying to get a feel for how to wear it super snugly, but so far I'm in love with it! All of my other 3-prong antlers from other toy makers are so huge, this one is so petite and perfect.

    Has anyone ever broken a helix before? I'm so worried that I might because I am rather heavy handed by nature, and the forks seem to be so delicate. I know antler is flexible though, to a degree.

  4. #524

    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Wow Aredhel, that is perfection in your hair! I love how your hair and the brown leather jacket have the same color but a different structure, and everything is crowned by the antler that is thematically connected to the leather jacket. Gorgeous combo!

  5. #525
    . furnival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Aredhel View Post
    Has anyone ever broken a helix before? I'm so worried that I might because I am rather heavy handed by nature, and the forks seem to be so delicate. I know antler is flexible though, to a degree.
    It looks great in your hair! So glad you're happy with it 😊

    I've broken an antler helix before. It was a really tiny, thin one and it turned out that the antler was not strong enough to pass the strength test that I perform on them all as I make them.
    Antler is surprisingly flexible- when sanding the helix forks I have to pull the tines apart to sand in between them, and I'm deliberately not that gentle so any weaknesses will show up before I've spent loads of time on them. The only one that has ever broken was the really thin one. I would say that antler is the strongest of all the materials I use apart from aluminium, and unless you're trying to bend it or stand on it then it's very unlikely to break!

  6. #526
    Elf Queen Aredhel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Matcha View Post
    Wow Aredhel, that is perfection in your hair! I love how your hair and the brown leather jacket have the same color but a different structure, and everything is crowned by the antler that is thematically connected to the leather jacket. Gorgeous combo!
    Thank you Matcha for the lovely compliment! It is remarkable how well antler suits leather, isn't it? I just love the way they compliment each other!

    Quote Originally Posted by furnival View Post
    It looks great in your hair! So glad you're happy with it ��

    I've broken an antler helix before. It was a really tiny, thin one and it turned out that the antler was not strong enough to pass the strength test that I perform on them all as I make them.
    Antler is surprisingly flexible- when sanding the helix forks I have to pull the tines apart to sand in between them, and I'm deliberately not that gentle so any weaknesses will show up before I've spent loads of time on them. The only one that has ever broken was the really thin one. I would say that antler is the strongest of all the materials I use apart from aluminium, and unless you're trying to bend it or stand on it then it's very unlikely to break!
    Thank you kindly Claire! I'm very glad for your confirmation that the tines are not as delicate as they seem! Antler is so wonderfully durable.

    I can't wait for my next fork! Will probably wait til I see a wood one that I like...

  7. #527
    Member divinedobbie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    So just received my first furnival helix today and I am sooooo in love. I underestimated the size I would need by a bit (usually use about 3.75-4" fpl on regular forks and those even run a little large so that's what I requested) so it's a little tight on full buns which I didn't expect but that is because (and I love love love this) I don't have to do really tight buns to get it to stay. It holds like a rock though and I love that I can do looser buns to make them look bigger (big priority for us finnies). I'm still getting the hang of it. So far it looks like it might work best on centre held buns. Maybe could've used another twist for length but that's totally my fault.

    In other news, I was really excited because I saw another wooden helix go up today but it was 3/4" longer and I was lamenting that it was going to be too long but I was waiting until I got the one I ordered to see how I liked it and for size. I literally ran outside as soon as I spied the mail lady walk away from my mailbox today to try it out and happily realized the 4 1/2" helix is probably going to be perfect and promptly grabbed the new one from the shop hours later .

    And ofcourse, action shots (aka my photo shoot ft. sleeping puppy) :

    24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34

  8. #528
    Member yamsha23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    My long time favorite Furnival stick (half antler half wood)
    Bra waist Hip TBL Classic Mid-thigh

  9. #529
    Resident Streaker Crystawni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    DD, I know I've mentioned it elsewhere, but those forks are soooo cool on you! Yay for snagging the second one in a fast turnaround! (cute pupstar btw!) And Yamsha, the delicate colour combined with the statement shape looks perfect on you.

    As for me, I can now join in with some helix happenings of my own. When I stumbled across this unusual beauty, I just had to, yanno? It's only taken years of on and off stalking...
    Lady Soreil, Fey-Born Bard in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
    ~spider silk fine, 4.5" pony circ.~

    ~Back from Tippy Fingers to the Buttzone, yet forever onwards through varied hues of Tawny Trails, towards ye Crystal Cascades~

  10. #530
    Member Kitke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Crystawni, the grain on that helix is just wonderful and it's going to look so striking in your hair. Please take some action shots!

    I've been longing for something made with antler for a while now, and yesterday I gave in and bought these lovely sticks as a belated 21st birthday present to myself. I'm so excited for them to arrive!

    My only problem: I've been doing nothing but a one-stick LWB for the past 7 months or so- I have no idea what buns to try out, to show off these beauties!

    If anyone has any suggestions I'd really love to hear them! How would you style them? Bearing in mind I have 34" of hair, a fair amount to work with.

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