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Thread: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

  1. #501
    Member Emelyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    I agree that it feels more feminine, in my opinion. I just love the look and feel of really long hair. I also love braids and updo's!

  2. #502
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    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    So many wonderfully odd reasons and I agree with basically every single one of them. Who doesn't want to be an elf?!

    But my MAIN odd reason for wanting longer hair is to prove to myself that I'm healthy and happy again. I used to have healthy hair at around bra strap length, until I became severly depressed. As I became suicidal I mistreated myself and my hair pretty bad; and now as a proud survivor of this horrible mental illness, I sort of feel that to make my hair healthy and long again will be my way of proving to myself that I'm defintely cured and of sound mind. It will function like the ultimate step towards feeling like myself again.

    ...Suddenly this became a very dark post...

    I assure you, now I'm all "rainbows and magical fairies"-happy. I smile so much it's ridiculous. And my hair shall reflect that.

  3. #503
    Member skeletonous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    ^ this is wonderful, I think that's a great reason

    Shaved • Chin • SL • APL • BSL • WL • HL • BCL • TBL • Classic

  4. #504
    Member Timea's Avatar
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    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nesoi View Post
    Because I took a random picture of myself today to send to my husband (it's much more innocent than it sounds!) and we both marvelled at how much better I look with long hair than short. I loved having my pixie and even my buzzcut but NEVER AGAIN.

    And because of everyone in my super-blonde family I'm the only one with hair the same colour as my late Grandma's. Growing it long again feels like a tribute to her. I'm over being jealous that I'm not blonde too. Mostly
    I loved my buzzcut too, but I hate all the stages between buzz and bra strap length. And it took a lot longer to cut my own hair with the buzzcut (i don't have clippers so i had to use scissors and it would take hours and it still wouldn't be even but after a few days enough would grow back that it wasn't so noticeable anymore. I didn't even need shampoo, just used a bar of soap on my head real quick. and i got sirred a lot, which was really nice. but once it grows out, i have an awful mop for a while and then finally it gets long enough to settle down.

    i'm just past waist length now but it's not long enough for an infinity bun so i guess i need to grow it some more.

  5. #505
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    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    I have never had anything more than an inch and decided I wanted to try growing it out to do something different. Not really odd I guess.

  6. #506
    Member Elven_Escapist's Avatar
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    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    Of course, I want flowing elf hair:P I like celtic, norse, viking, finnish, elf/faerie mythology, I feel long hair fits that. Also, I love how it feels on my back, just flopped over on my arms, shoulders, etc. I'm very much an introvert, so long hair is comforting, it kind of hides you when you want it to. My friend tells me my hair makes me look majestic, haha

  7. #507
    just here for the cheese
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    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    EmelieAnna, I went through a similar experience in my teen years… Sigh. Self-care is now an important part of keeping myself healthy - thus, healthy hair = happy me! Group high five for long-awaited mental stability! ;D

  8. #508
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    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    Hello all, i've always loved long hair but i guess one of the reason i wanted to grow mine longer is because of my MIL ...she hates me, she is a former hairdresser and kept wanting to cut my hair (i let her do it a couple of times at the beginning, now i know better...she's the scissor happy kind). I discovered she's incredibly jealous of long healthy hair (her hair is obviously ruined with years of bleaching and blow-drying at her salon).
    One day we were at a restaurant and she was very distracted, she was mumbling "oh i'm so jealous, jealous..." I looked at the girl she was oggling, and she was beautiful, but the thing that was bugging my MIL was that she had long, wavy, aerial light brown hair that was cascading down her back everytime her loose bun fell (she then casually rolled it up around a pick back on top of her head very gracefully). She had hair i'd say at least TBL. That was a great inspiration for me.
    Another reason, is less petty but still quite odd, is because my mother had really long hair too, and when she died, i felt i'd kind of let her "live in my hair", and i feel like if i chop it off it would kill a part of her that's inside me...yeah well THAT is weird!

  9. #509

    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    I was one of those kids whose hair didn't grow in until they were older. I was basically bald until I was two, and then had a weird kind of mullet thing until my hair finally grew in just before I started kidnergarten.

    Well, I'm also one of those people with an unusually long memory. (My earliest memory is from before I could roll over.) So I remember being bald, and I remember being mistaken for a baby, having kids a good 8 months younger than me who could barely talk insist I was a baby and attempt to "take care" of me, and having adults joke about it because they figured I was too young to understand what they were saying. (I understood basic English prior to being able to roll over. I could tell when I was being mocked.)

    So I never, ever wanted "short" hair, and in the first grade or so decided I wanted super-long hair. I think I subconsciously connect hair length with age. Although now everybody thinks I'm almost a decade younger than I actually am because my hair makes me "look young." (I know I'll appreciate it in 20+ years. But right now looking like a fourteen year old is making finding a job/boyfriend really really difficult and I hate it.)

  10. #510

    Default Re: Odd reasons you want longer hair!

    I want waist-length hair just so that I can experiment with period buns. My dream is to have hair long and thick enough to try a Faustina bun. Unfortunately, my hair is only armpit-length at the moment, and my braids are pitiful due to the hair loss I suffered from for two years, but a girl can dream, right? Hopefully, by the time I've grown thick, long hair, I'll also have earned enough to employ a lady's maid who can help me put my hair up like a Roman empress...

    Faustina bun:

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