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Thread: Put your hair photos here 'cos you really want to....

  1. #33951
    Member diamond_storm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Put your hair photos here 'cos you really want to....

    Quote Originally Posted by Albact View Post
    I always get that when I say I like something that is gluten-free. Someone always has to tell me that with gluten is a thousand times better. I am grateful to have always been celiac and not know what things I cannot eat taste like. This way I don't get disappointed or miss recipes. Good luck finding substitutes and adapting to this new diet! At least it will make you try new things!
    ahh it's both sad and helpful that you don't have any gluten-recipes to compare things to! honestly, i don't hate gluten-free options as long as i don't think of them as "replacements" for gluten options. i can definitely enjoy coconut-/almond-flour banana bread, but i like to think if it as its own thing rather than a "replacement" for normal banana bread.

    Quote Originally Posted by ETJ CURLS View Post
    I also know people who were bakers and one of them developed an extremely severe celiac disorder and they almost had to shut down their bakery, but after several years of testing they managed to create gluten-free versions of what they used to make before that tasted virtually indistinguishable from the gluten-filled stuff.
    omg, that's a nightmare situation for sure!!! i'm so happy they were able to find a workaround.

    Quote Originally Posted by PWild View Post
    I like wearing these sterling hair ties. I'm always on the lookout for similar pieces - with Native American motifs. I actually had a custom piece done for my wife, and I think I need to "borrow" it for another photo soon.

    ohh lovely match with the silver on silver! so graceful.

    Quote Originally Posted by TatsuOni View Post
    Speaking of hair and color. While we disagree on me being blonde or brunette. I have a few super coarse reddish hairs on my head. They're obviously dyed black now, but I'm always fascinated by their thickness when I come across them.
    do those hairs grow in red or are they henna-dyed? my few random grays i have look like that after being dyed with henna! i'm very curious how i will look when i go gray, because those random ones are certainly wild and have a totally different texture than my other hairs!

  2. #33952
    Lullaby of Obliteration
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    Default Re: Put your hair photos here 'cos you really want to....

    Quote Originally Posted by shayna View Post
    I have got about 1.5cm of roots showing now and I can see so many different coloured strands. The dyed hair looks really flat and boring next to the natural hair, which looks luminous and full of highlights, like PWild's hair in his post above. Hmmmmmmm, problem: I've got the most massive demarcation line in the history of ... er, lines.
    If you don't mind paying a bit of money and having some damage ( bleach) there are some really good gray specialist hairdressers, they foil and use techniques that can mimic naturally greying hair. Of course it depends on the amount of grey you have

  3. #33953
    Evil Duck Queen TatsuOni's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Put your hair photos here 'cos you really want to....

    Quote Originally Posted by diamond_storm View Post
    ahh it's both sad and helpful that you don't have any gluten-recipes to compare things to! honestly, i don't hate gluten-free options as long as i don't think of them as "replacements" for gluten options. i can definitely enjoy coconut-/almond-flour banana bread, but i like to think if it as its own thing rather than a "replacement" for normal banana bread.

    omg, that's a nightmare situation for sure!!! i'm so happy they were able to find a workaround.

    ohh lovely match with the silver on silver! so graceful.

    do those hairs grow in red or are they henna-dyed? my few random grays i have look like that after being dyed with henna! i'm very curious how i will look when i go gray, because those random ones are certainly wild and have a totally different texture than my other hairs!
    No they're natural. I noticed the color when I wore my natural hair. Now I can still find these thick virey hairs sometimes, but they're dyed black.

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