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Thread: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

  1. #21
    Member KokoroDragon's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    I love this thread idea! I have my current goal set to CL, but it's not really my end goal. I guess I chose CL just to have an arbitrary goal? Anyway, once I reach CL I plan to grow for however long I feel like it, and that seems pretty goal-less to me!

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    In December 2019 I chopped my hair to a little past shoulder to get rid of damage. I've been growing with no trims ever since.
    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    My whole life I've gone from growing my hair to getting frustrated with taking care of it and doing a big chop, then regretting it. While I enjoy having low-maintenance hair, I feel most myself with long hair.
    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    I have been enjoying the process, though I don't know if I would ever want to do it again.
    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    My hair is currently the longest it's ever been (almost CL). My sweet spot is long enough to comfortably wear a stick bun every day but not so long that it becomes a nuisance. If I had to guess I'd say probably somewhere between classic and fingertip, maybe knee.
    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    I'm feeling pretty meh right now, though I am working on gaining length.
    6. Do you trim your hair?
    I haven't trimmed since my big chop in 2019, but I likely will at some point, if just to clean up my ends.
    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    Oh yes! I've experimented with NW/SO, shampoo bars, and am currently using drugstore products. How I handle my hair has also changed with length.
    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Yes, I think so. Having long hair helps me feel comfortable, and I would imagine if I lost my hair it would be a big deal for me.
    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    It depends on the day. Sometimes I love taking care of it, and sometimes I don't have the energy to do anything but throw it up and forget it.
    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    Knowing my aversion to scissors, I'm likely to find a length range that's comfortable and trim to the shortest part of the range once I reach the longest part. Like, maybe a once-per-year chop to maintain. That is, if I don't end up happy at terminal. Then I wouldn't have to trim ever!

  2. #22
    Member Braided Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by vampyyri View Post
    Wow, I didn't know there were so many people in the same boat Hello everyone! I've been really enjoying reading all of these responses, there's so many stories and reasons for growing, I love that.

    I'm glad that I could find a niche that so many of us were lacking! Lots of us seem to be growing around here, but it's really good to know I'm not alone in the "X Length to Happy" mentality
    Me too! I voted in the length and goal length polls, but I was having trouble with the goal length pall because it was asking what's the current goal length, has it changed, etc, and I wanted an option for something like 'three goals at once, final one unknown'. I'm glad to see other people feel this way too

  3. #23
    Member mochichichi's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    I had a bit of debate with myself whether I want to join in, but I think it makes sense. Enjoying my hair at all stages has been important to me throughout my journey, resulting in probably slower progress than others. I have my goal length set to terminal, but I don't really mean my actual terminal. I talked about this at some point in another thread, but my goal length is "blunt terminal." I want to keep growing until I can't maintain a blunt hemline... I think. No idea when that will be, so I'm just enjoying my hair until I don't anymore. If my hair becomes a chore more than an indulgence at some point I'll have to seriously consider a chop and maintain.

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    I had a chop up to my chin in 2012 or so, I hated it so much I've been growing it ever since.

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    I didn't like short hair, and I've always wanted really long hair--I loved seeing girls with long hair when I was a kid.

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    Yes! I love growing my hair. It's been important to me throughout my journey that I enjoy my hair where it's at, and I haven't felt the urge to cut it off or anything yet.

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    I would really love to be able to get to calf with a hemline that satisfies me. That would be amazing. Before the chop my hair was around shoulder/APL, so for most of my journey my hair has been the longest it's ever been. In terms of care, I have no idea where the "sweet spot" might be. I haven't encountered a lot of difficulty with my hair at any length so far. I've mostly enjoyed it more and more as it's grown. I just hit classic at the end of last month though, and I hear it's a common milestone to run into problems getting past, so that may change soon.

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    I am interested in gaining length but not at the expense of thickness. Some years ago, I don't remember when but when I was in the waist/hip range, I went for my yearly trim and decided I would finally get rid of my layers. My mom had pressured me into getting them when I was in high school but I never wanted them, and I felt they were finally long enough that I wouldn't cry about the length loss. I had them cut up to wherever the shortest layer was--I think I ended up losing about 5 or 6 inches, maybe a bit more. That was when I really started enjoying my hair, it was a lot easier to braid and do fun things with without the layers.

    6. Do you trim your hair?
    Yes. I have gotten approximately yearly trims at a salon for a while now, I usually lose 2-3 inches. Starting this year I'm going to attempt trimming myself--both to hopefully retain more length, save a bit, and just have more control over the whole event.

    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    Yes! I lurked for a long time (like 5+ years) before I made my account, so a lot of the things that I started doing were because of LHC even though my account is only a year or so old. I stretched washes to 1 week, started finger detangling before brushing, and most recently started wearing a sleep bonnet.

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Kind of. It's important to me, but I have a lot of things that are important to me.

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    It makes me happy. Taking care of my hair is one of my major selfcare routines, and washing is a big soothing thing for me.

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    I think when I find the length that I really enjoy I will keep it.
    Pursuing my Princess Hair ♕

  4. #24
    Member LadyArwen's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    I love this poll - thank you for putting this together!

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    10 years ago now - I think 18 inches

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    I thought it looked romantic and beautiful, plus in graduate school I was too busy to get a haircut. I also loved the preraphaelite paintings of women with long hair!

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    I do! I love having long hair

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    I used to get really caught up in waist length hair and would out of habit chop it to that length. I then wanted really long hair for my wedding which I got. As a pregnant mama, I think having long hair will be pretty, as long as I wear it up so baby wont pull it out!

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    I was trying to do both, but at this point I will be just focusing on length, my hair isn't as thick as it used to be when I was younger and I have accepted that

    6. Do you trim your hair?
    I used to - do not anymore

    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    no - it has changed in that I am more and more health conscious as to what I put in my body though for healthy hair care

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Yes! I have nightmares of getting a Karen haircut all the time

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    In the summer it does not, I do not like showering in the winter because it is so cold - I live for summer!

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    At this point in my life I will just let it grow until it stops. probably no longer than my knees

    but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
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  5. #25
    The Fowl Witch 🦆 vampyyri's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by LadyArwen View Post
    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Yes! I have nightmares of getting a Karen haircut all the time
    This gave me a good laugh, not "the Karen" that's certainly nightmarish haha!

    Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.
    Lady Scarlette, Traveler of the Road to Dawn in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  6. #26
    Member Dark40's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    I think this is a great idea to start a thread like this! I know that I belong here.

    1. What was your starting, and how long ago was it?
    At chin length, and back in 2010.
    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    What made me decide to grow my hair was seeing a couple of real life girlfriends of mine with their superlong hair.
    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    Yes, I do. I'm enjoying the process of being on my hair growth journey, and seeing how long my hair can grow! I've had superlong hair in the past, and now I want it back plus longer!
    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you will find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    If I had a wild guess, I think my "sweet spot" is at mid thigh length...and no it has never been that length in th past.
    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    I'm more interested in gaining both length and thickness.
    6. Do you trim your hair?
    No I only do very tiny or small dustings of the tips of my ends once or twice a year.
    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    Yes, my hair care routine has changed a lot since I've been here on LHC? But I can say it has changed for the better instead of the worse!
    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Yes, I do. I truly believe my hair tells a lot about myself.
    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    Ohhh yes, me taking care of my hair I do love....and it makes me very happy. Because, I really enjoy taking care of it, and doing it! And, as it grows longer I honestly don't think that it'll be a chore. Because, I just love doing my hair!
    10. Do you think you're more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different once and change it up?
    Yes, I think I will definitely land on one length, and stick to it always, and don't change it up. The only thing I'll be changing is the different hair-styles that I'll be wearing.
    (Chin length) (Shoulder Length) (Bra Strap Length) (Mid Back Length) (Waist Length) (Hip Length) (Tail Bone Length) (Classic Length) (Mid Thigh Length) (Knee Length) (Calf Length) (Ankle Length) (Floor Length)

  7. #27
    Lullaby of Obliteration
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    seems my goals are Sephiroth, and Queen Serenity but I should think of another anime/game character oh I got them!
    Advents Children characters
    Loz ( basically here now) Kadaj ( CBL) Yazoo (between APL and MBL) then of course Sephiroth ( Classic+ to Knee+ depending on the game figurines you get )
    Last edited by Bat; May 18th, 2023 at 05:40 AM.

  8. #28
    Member cookies's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    I think I belong here too My "goal" tends to fluctuate - I've set it to TBL just to have one, but I can imagine it being either too long and impractical for me, or if I get used to wearing it up - not long enough. So much like you vampyyri, I'm not sure what my goal is, but I'll know when I get there!

    What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    Sometime last summer, somewhere around SL/CBL.

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    It's never been really long as an adult and I feel like I "have the hair for it" So I'd say curiosity.

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    Yes and no. I'm too impatient now that I know I want it long and as we all know, it takes a lot of time. But I do enjoy the "oh wow, it's made it this far and it's still healthy!" phase I'm in right now.

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    Somewhere in the waist to tailbone realm. I don't like the idea of sitting on it, but I love the idea of hair covering my entire back or being half my height and the wow factor of that length.
    The longest it's ever been was around waist/hip when I was 9-10 years old. As an adult it's made it to waist once or twice due to not-so-benign neglect and it's always been in a terrible state by the time I get there, urging me to chop all the damage, usually back to APL.

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    My hair is sufficiently thick, so I'd say length. In theory, I'd love it to get even thicker and be a solid iii (I'm bordering it now, but whether due to shedding or frizz taming, it's thinned a little over the past few months). But in practice, we had the first 20+ degree C days and it's already feeling a bit suffocating when I wear it down.

    6. Do you trim your hair?
    During COVID I did it myself and quite poorly lol, but now I've found a great hairdresser so I get it done professionally. I'll join the second half of 2023 no trim challenge, but I imagine I'll need at least two yearly trims until the bleach is all gone.
    I've been S&D-ing since my last trim in February and the splits are not as bad as they'd usually get by the 3-month post trim mark, so let's see how it goes.

    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    Yes, it's been evolving the more I learn. I don't have a dream routine yet, but my hair seems thankful for all the tweaks so far.

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Not really. To be honest, my sense of "who I am" is not that strong altogether My friends might feel differently though, out of all my physical features, I think my hair gets the most comments/compliments.

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    I do enjoy it, only on rare occasions I wish it took less time when I don't have much of it.

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    I'm already planning a SL cut when my natural hair gets there (probably for summer 2025) and there's a very strong possibility I'll want to grow it long again after that, the natural edition. I like the idea of growing it to TBL and chopping it to SL as a cycle and am considering donating the chops too.
    Last edited by cookies; May 18th, 2023 at 03:49 AM.
    overall: SL>>>APL>>>BSL>>>WL>>>HL>>>BCL>>>TBL
    natural: 0>>>EL>>>CL>>>SL

  9. #29
    Lullaby of Obliteration
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by cookies View Post
    am considering donating the chops too.
    Hair generally has to be virgin hair if you want to donate it I believe but there is an option to donate it to places that use it to clean up oil spills

  10. #30
    Member cookies's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post
    Hair generally has to be virgin hair if you want to donate it I believe but there is an option to donate it to places that use it to clean up oil spills
    I kinda want to keep the first one anyway, then if there’s subsequent ones they’d be hopefully virgin. But that’s just fortune telling as of now
    overall: SL>>>APL>>>BSL>>>WL>>>HL>>>BCL>>>TBL
    natural: 0>>>EL>>>CL>>>SL

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