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Thread: Furnival's Workshop

  1. #21
    fluffy two_wheels's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Quasiquixotic View Post
    I don't normally groove on moon themed hair toys, but this is just beyond words!

    Is this anyone here's custom?
    I love that one too. Presumably it's for the Venefica from here... whose hair is as fabulous as the fork (sorry if that seems stalkerish... I read a lot of threads here and her hair is memorably pretty)
    Last edited by two_wheels; April 13th, 2014 at 05:31 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #22
    Member Stellaaa's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Quasiquixotic View Post
    I don't normally groove on moon themed hair toys, but this is just beyond words!

    Is this anyone here's custom?
    Venefica is a member here. She has gorgeous classic (at least) length hair and I very much hope we get an action shot of this amazing fork.

    ETA: Snap! Two_wheels and I replied at the same time. (we're really not stalking you Venefica)

  3. #23
    Tusk Dragon Quasiquixotic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Oh awesome, I was hoping I'd get to see an action shot. It's the lime wedge of pretty to the tequila shot of not getting a beautiful toy for myself
    ISO: Medium or Small leopard, border, or silky Logo ficcare
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  4. #24
    benign neglect specialist ooglipoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    That is going to look incredible in Venifica's hair! I'm already getting all Thudy over the toy, but in her hair?!? I cannot wait.

    I very much love that fork.

  5. #25
    has notorious buns Wildcat Diva's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Whoa! Really great job on that fork, it looks great!

  6. #26
    Vintage Comb Enabler Calaelen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    I am going to jump in with a likely to be unpopular opinion. We know Furnival is using repurposed woods which is green, and awesome!, perhaps that is part of the reason her prices are as good as they are.

    I have many GTS pieces, but will likely never buy brand new from the shop again because the prices have become too high. I also bought a comb from furnival which is amazingly soft, well sanded, has wood that is a grainiacs dream, but if I am being honest, isn't perfect like a GTS. I suspect Furnival doesn't have the tools or experience behind her that GTS does, and I don't say that as though it is a bad thing!!! She does wonderful work that is organic looking, unique, has flaws, and is not using up precious resources because she recycles!

    Furnival, you have a huge fan in me. Your work is really beautifil and well worked, and I respect that your products are so Eco friendly, and that you do it by hand pretty much completely, it seems. That said, I wanted to be clear to readers in this thread that your work is not perfectly symmetrical, and done with professional quality power tools making it on par with GTS pieces that are cut with precision saws etc. Nor are they made with exotic woods and materials that you have to purchase at reflecting prices.

    You could charge more to reflect your work time and creativity, but not double what the prices are right now, in my opinion.
    Lady Calaelen of Eden's Nook Designer of Fetching Forks in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!

  7. #27
    Member Loviatar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Calaelen, that's not an unpopular opinion with me at all. I agree with you. Furnival will know that I love her Hairtoys (my student loan loves them too...)

    I am also priced out of the market on GTS. I love them but it's too much for me. I used to buy GTS a lot but their prices have gone up terrifically.

    One of the reasons I love Furnivals Workshop is that I know I can buy absolutely beautiful Hairtoys, in my own country, from 'green' woods from interesting places without the prices being too high. When I saw so many folks saying 'charge double' on FB etc, I really hoped it wouldn't happen. I don't want to lose out on a seriously fantastic craftsman (woman) by rising prices. Yes it's a selfish opinion, but I've wanted to say it for a bit and didn't dare in case it sounded awful.

    *goes back to stalking the etsy shop*
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  8. #28
    Member Danu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Calaelen View Post
    I am going to jump in with a likely to be unpopular opinion. We know Furnival is using repurposed woods which is green, and awesome!, perhaps that is part of the reason her prices are as good as they are.

    I have many GTS pieces, but will likely never buy brand new from the shop again because the prices have become too high. I also bought a comb from furnival which is amazingly soft, well sanded, has wood that is a grainiacs dream, but if I am being honest, isn't perfect like a GTS. I suspect Furnival doesn't have the tools or experience behind her that GTS does, and I don't say that as though it is a bad thing!!! She does wonderful work that is organic looking, unique, has flaws, and is not using up precious resources because she recycles!

    Furnival, you have a huge fan in me. Your work is really beautifil and well worked, and I respect that your products are so Eco friendly, and that you do it by hand pretty much completely, it seems. That said, I wanted to be clear to readers in this thread that your work is not perfectly symmetrical, and done with professional quality power tools making it on par with GTS pieces that are cut with precision saws etc. Nor are they made with exotic woods and materials that you have to purchase at reflecting prices.

    You could charge more to reflect your work time and creativity, but not double what the prices are right now, in my opinion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Loviatar View Post
    Calaelen, that's not an unpopular opinion with me at all. I agree with you. Furnival will know that I love her Hairtoys (my student loan loves them too...)

    I am also priced out of the market on GTS. I love them but it's too much for me. I used to buy GTS a lot but their prices have gone up terrifically.

    One of the reasons I love Furnivals Workshop is that I know I can buy absolutely beautiful Hairtoys, in my own country, from 'green' woods from interesting places without the prices being too high. When I saw so many folks saying 'charge double' on FB etc, I really hoped it wouldn't happen. I don't want to lose out on a seriously fantastic craftsman (woman) by rising prices. Yes it's a selfish opinion, but I've wanted to say it for a bit and didn't dare in case it sounded awful.

    *goes back to stalking the etsy shop*

    I surround myself with things that feed my heart and soul. Things of nature, and vision. Items of whimsy and memory. I will always choose the OoaK item, that was directly forged in the hands of another human, and a reflection of their vision.

    I do not speak lightly. My entire family, are craftsmen, and artisans. We live hand to mouth, and we live by our souls, and we follow our hearts. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's a struggle, but I am always fulfilled by what I do.

    I am drawn to things that make me smile when I put them on, or use them. Sometimes this is something machined, true enough. But more often it is something completely different, and utterly organic in nature. A reflection of my spirit.

    I am more than happy to pay another artist for sharing their gifts with me. If I don't have the money, then I wait.

    These are not just cheap hair toys. They are not just "green" recycled goods. There is a story with each one.

    My first stick from Furnival is from a lilac tree in her parents garden. An ocean away from me, in a land I will probabally never see. I have wood coming out of my ears. I can go out to my shop right now, and touch any wood from anywhere. Irish bog oak? got it. African woods? got them. Indian Bael? got it. Lignum Vitae? got it. Local orchard woods? got them. Reclaimed woods? got them. Hawaiian koa? Got it. But I do NOT have lilac wood from a backyard in England.

    My second stick is yew. Now I have yew. Pacific yew. But I have no yew from across the pond. So she had me at "yew", but then I read the text:

    Yew wood that I rescued from an abandoned camp fire in Roslin Glen, near Edinburgh.
    That's awesome. That's a history that you can't choose from a list. That's something that I will think of every time I wear it. It's a story I will tell all who compliment it.

    And my most recent purchase:

    The Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) is the largest non-domesticated mammal still existing in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands, and is one of the largest deer species in the world. It is found in Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor and the Caucasus and has a life span of up to 18 years.

    The red deer migrated into Britain from Europe about 11,000 years ago. The animal was a vital source of food, skins and tools (made from the bones and antlers) to Mesolithic man. The importance of the red deer to early humans is illustrated by the fact they are depicted in cave art throughout Europe, with some of the art dating from as early as the upper Paleolithic period, 40,000 years ago.

    When man began to develop agriculture in Neolithic times, the red deer population declined as their forest habitat was cleared to make way for fields. The deer survived only in isolated pockets throughout the UK, with the main populations in the Scottish Highlands and South-West England. The red deer stag's impressive size and magnificent antlers have always made him a prestigious prize for the hunter, so the Normans sought to conserve the dwindling populations in protected parks and forests for royal hunting, but this protection was lost during the Medieval period and numbers declined once more. By the end of the 18th century the red deer was extinct in the Scottish Lowlands and most of England and Wales.

    In the 19th century profits from sheep farming declined and deer stalking became fashionable, leading landowners to dedicate large areas to 'deer forest' (without any trees) where deer could multiply and be easily hunted. This, along with Victorian re-introductions and escapes from deer parks have all contributed to their resurgence and red deer are now widely distributed throughout Britain once more. Populations elsewhere are generally declining.
    I have antlers. We carve and create antler items. I have deer, and moose, and caribou... but I don't have this^. Now I do. Now I have a bit of that magic to carry with me, and share with others.

    I will pay the price that Furnival asks, low or high. If I cannot afford it, then I will enjoy watching others purchase. And when I can, I will pay it.

    What is important to me, is that she is compensated enough, that being a conduit of art, does not have to take a backseat to other priorities that would better put food on her table. That pieces as pure as this, remain available.

    I will always walk right past the straight sticks, and smooth forks, and head straight for the amazing. Thank you Furnival.

  9. #29
    Huge Tolkien Nerd! Long_hair_bear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    I will go with the even more unpopular opinion of saying I never have nor will buy from GTS. Their prices are astronomically high, handcrafted or no. I can get a precious or semi-precious gem inlaid stick by Timberstone for what GTS is charging for a wood fork. For beautiful, smooth, handcrafted forks at a reasonable price I can afford, I'll stick with Furnival, WAJ, and OruAka. And before anyone starts, yes I have held and felt a GTS at an LHC meet. I wasn't impressed enough to spend that kind of money on one. I also agree with a previous poster: Furnival's come with a great story. I'm getting my first lilac wood stick from her, which is my favorite tree/bush!
    Last edited by Long_hair_bear; April 18th, 2014 at 07:58 PM.

    “Some of the worst mistakes in my life were haircuts." - Jim Morrison
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  10. #30
    Tusk Dragon Quasiquixotic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Furnival's Workshop

    I think both sides have made some good points. I think there is a point where she will raise her prices. But I could be wrong. I got my first order and I love her stuff. They are actually the first toys I bought that I've gotten to work in my short hair. And for that it's a amazing

    I'll I know is I want her to keep making hair toys because I want to keep buying them
    ISO: Medium or Small leopard, border, or silky Logo ficcare
    Pixie to TBL. Cut back to waist, thinking of going shorter

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