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Thread: Post pics of your Quattro tools/toys.

  1. #21
    73% bicycle shrimp's Avatar
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    I will, I will jel! Just not much point posting now and then posting when my new sparklies arrive.

    It's not necessarily always the look of metal Quattros that you pay for (though they can be worthy and very elegant) it's the way they work and the quality.
    Whatever happened to my fighting, biting, lightning lioness ...
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  2. #22
    Member Peggy E.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rae~ View Post
    I am a huge Quattro fan. When I first joined LHC, I think I searched for and read every single thread with the word "Quattro" in it. Several times. There were quite a few threads to get through. This will be great to again have lots of photos all in one spot; I never get sick of his work, be it in either metal or wood.

    Decorated ones:

    (nearly all the sticks are 6" usable; forks are a little shorter)


    Oh, yay! The Nekkid Guys are still hanging in there!! I don't think Ron was terribly thrilled with them, though I still think they look absolutely perfect on those sticks.

    Nice to see them again, knowing they are well cared for.... ;o)
    Last edited by Peggy E.; April 29th, 2008 at 08:42 AM. Reason: To Correct Picture
    The Blog: Skipping Barefoot Down the Rocky Road of Life

  3. #23
    Member Peggy E.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jel View Post
    To be perfectly honest, I'd only seen very plain Quattro metal sticks or forks before, and they looked rather boring (but expensive) to me. Seeing these collections, I've changed my mind! Thanks for posting, and please continue everyone (that means you too, Shrimp! Even the 'already posted' ones!)

    Trollkjering, what are these made out of?

    I'm scratching my head, too - as I've kept a pretty close eye on the Quattro site and have never seen these beauties. Believe me, there are at least three of those in Trollkjering's collection I'd have had in my own if I'd seen them!

    As it is, wondering how I can ask him to remake some and not have them exactly the same - even though I want them EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!!

    I've gained a new respect for the man with this thread. His technical abilities were never in doubt and I love the starlite line, though down to one or two only now. This artistry, though hinted at in many of his pieces, should really be more in evidence in his gallery.

    The Blog: Skipping Barefoot Down the Rocky Road of Life

  4. #24
    Member aisling's Avatar
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    I think he has periods when he does different stuff, for example the more decorative things. Recently he has done some bigger toppers from several different materials combined, I haven't seen much bronze, like in bronze serpent sticks that I want, for example. The more unique designs seems to go pretty fast, after seeing trollkjerring's collection, I think we can guess where ,)

    I do like the plainer things a lot, they're very much "me" as I'm not a very glittery, flashy person. I love the plain simplicity of the U-forks for example and no, no bent knitting needle, however cheap, can replace those for me. Each to their own, I guess

  5. #25
    Back to my dark side trollkjerring's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jel View Post
    Trollkjering, what are these made out of?
    Jel, I think the material is called "faux ivory", it feels like stone to me but I am not sure - I will ask Neoma cause I think she had a fork made of that material also.

    Wow, I am glad that you all like the hairtoys I posted and I want to see all his other work, the plain workhorses and the more artistic one of a kind toys!

    I remember a pair of hairsticks with tulipshaped toppers from a member that wasn't here for a long time or I would beg her to post a pic


  6. #26
    The Reluctant Wavy Rae~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lora410 View Post
    QUESTION: the plain U shaped ones do you use them like a fork? I was always curious about them
    That's how I use them, yes. Or (for the shorter ones) as if they were very large Amish hair pins.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deborah View Post
    WOW! These are all gorgeous!

    Rae, How do you like your wavy-tined fork (I think it might be called a helix or double helix)? Does it hold better than the straight ones? Thanks.
    Short answer: Not necessarily better, no; just different.

    Long answer: Ron buffs the surface of his straight forks/sticks to create a very light crisscross pattern of extremely fine (as in, micro-size) grooves. The sticks still feel smooth to the touch, although you can notice a slight difference compared to the feel of, say, a polished steel stick. I've found this slight surface texture really helps to keep the item in place in my hair, especially on slippery hair days. The helix items, on the other hand (and I only have one helix fork, so I can't say for sure if all of them are like this, but I guess they are) don't have this surface pattern, but the helix wave I guess works in a similar way. So in the end, in my experience, they both work really well, but for different reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by trollkjerring View Post
    The end, I hope these pics are helpful
    I've snipped your pics, even though I was sorely tempted to quote them all just to have another chance to see them... heh. It's so nice to see your collection back up, trollkjerring, and there are a few there I hadn't seen before - lovely! I've pretty much avoided the brass items to now as I usually do not wear warm-coloured metals, but I might have to reconsider - some of those are lovely.

    It's funny to look at others' collections and see items I considered buying at the time.... now I know where some of them went! (Not just tkj, but aisling and Red Jezebel as well.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Jezebel View Post
    ... exceedingly jealous about some of those... I check his shop regularly, I can't believe I missed them. They're gorgeous! *huge wail*
    Hehe... I suspect trollkjerring has the jump on us all... she's been buying Quattro stuff for years; no wonder she has such a beautiful collection!

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Jezebel View Post
    Ok, I was going to retake these, but I can't, kitty isn't looking to move off my lap any time soon, and to be honest, in my hands no matter how great the camera, the photos are never going to look any better
    What are you talking about - those photos are fine!

    Are the green topped sticks in the first pic, glass beads? They are about the only ones I can't quite see. And is that Amethyst stick the one Rain had for sale? It's pretty, although the red one next to it is almost nicer! What stone is that?

    Quote Originally Posted by frizzinator View Post
    Here's my only Quattro: < snip >
    How long is that stick, frizzinator? Does it work for you? I've recently been thinking to try more wooden items...

    Quote Originally Posted by shrimp View Post
    I'll post here as soon as my new sticks arrive
    Though I think all my sticks have been posted already

    And I may even remember to include the two wooden Quattros which I always seem to forget about when thinking of my collection.
    Ooooh, please do, regardless of whether they are "the same" or not. Any and all photos will be eagerly received.

    Quote Originally Posted by shrimp View Post
    It's not necessarily always the look of metal Quattros that you pay for (though they can be worthy and very elegant) it's the way they work and the quality.
    Yes, I have to second this. The workmanship is superb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peggy E. View Post
    Oh, yay! The Nekkid Guys are still hanging in there!! I don't think Ron was terribly thrilled with them, though I still think they look absolutely perfect on those sticks.

    Nice to see them again, knowing they are well cared for.... ;o)
    Ha! Yes, they are still hanging in there. To be honest, I haven't worn them all that much, and I'm not sure if it's because they are shorter than my other sticks, or because they are bronze, or what. I have thought about removing the Nekkid Men to see what the sticks look like without them (and to see if that makes me wear them more!), but as yet they are still intact.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peggy E. View Post
    I'm scratching my head, too - as I've kept a pretty close eye on the Quattro site and have never seen these beauties. Believe me, there are at least three of those in Trollkjering's collection I'd have had in my own if I'd seen them!

    As it is, wondering how I can ask him to remake some and not have them exactly the same - even though I want them EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!!

    I've gained a new respect for the man with this thread. His technical abilities were never in doubt and I love the starlite line, though down to one or two only now. This artistry, though hinted at in many of his pieces, should really be more in evidence in his gallery.
    I know - there are some beauties there that, had I seen them first, I would have snapped them up! (Sorry trollkjerring... hehe) But as I said above, I think tkj has been collecting Quattro for a lot longer then I, so she's had a solid head start. And ever since I saw aisling's figure-8 with the Serpentine sticks way back when I first joined, I've been lusting for a pair of those, too. I did buy a pair, but the damn mail system lost them.

    I asked about a custom item a little while back and Ron told me that his craft work has recently taken a backseat to his music, so he's not really doing much workshop time these days. I guess that's why the really intricate pieces are fewer and further between as well. Sadly, my custom item wasn't possible either. The good thing is, he has started listing the basics as "8 available", so you don't have to wait for weeks for him to relist them if someone buys the same item you wanted! I was very happy to see that.

    Quote Originally Posted by aisling View Post
    I do like the plainer things a lot, they're very much "me" as I'm not a very glittery, flashy person. I love the plain simplicity of the U-forks for example and no, no bent knitting needle, however cheap, can replace those for me. Each to their own, I guess
    I completely agree - the simplicity of most of his stuff suits me to a T. I wear his basic stuff much more often than the decorated stuff, truth be told.

    I do see him list stuff I don't like, as well - he does list some fairly ornate pieces sometimes - but overall he is by far and away my favourite hairstick/fork artist. Of course, if I could find another who worked in steel (not silver or nickel silver), I'd love to try them as well... but you will pry my Quattro stuff from my cold, dead hands.
    Last edited by Rae~; April 29th, 2008 at 06:58 PM. Reason: grrr typo

  7. #27
    The Reluctant Wavy Rae~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trollkjerring View Post
    Jel, I think the material is called "faux ivory", it feels like stone to me but I am not sure - I will ask Neoma cause I think she had a fork made of that material also.
    I'm sure I've read listing where it was described as a man-made material, so I think it's some sort of polymer? I could be wrong, though.

  8. #28
    Member coppercurls's Avatar
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    Those are some impressive collections. Very beautiful.

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  9. #29
    Member aisling's Avatar
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    I think the "faux ivory" is corian, an acrylic polymer material. There's a huge variety of colours of corian.

  10. #30
    Bringer of teh lolz Miss Murphy's Avatar
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    Wow, how awesome!

    I am seriously considering buying from Ron - I think I want a fork, and two sticks. What material can you recommend, and/or is there a difference in materials I should consider? I saw he offers aluminium, titanium and bronze, and I'm unsure what to get...

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