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Thread: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

  1. #11
    Member Braided Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    I'll just answer a few of the questions. My 'goal' is classic/ midthigh, but that's just a placeholder goal in my mind, even though I had it before I joined LHC. I have had long hair(around my goal length) for years and years, but cut short, for me, to shoulder maybe 2018/19. Not sad I did it, but I quickly decided I liked long hair better, so I'm just growing out right now. My approximate plan is to maintain at my goal for a couple small trims, make sure I'm happy with the hemline, then keep growing until I decide it's too long, and cut back to wherever I remember being happiest with it.
    I don't really care about the thickness, but I don't want really thin ends, and since trimming is a bother that I don't get around to often I will try and pick points to maintain at for short whiles to convince myself to keep the split ends in check and not feel like I'm losing lots of length. Currently I get my mom to trim my hair every year/ year and a half or so, out of laziness mostly. Last trim I asked for an inch off, and she took about 1.5, but I trust her to know how much needs cut and to make it look decent, and it's just a small amount of hair in the end, so I don't worry if she cuts off a bit more than I wanted because it will be so long since I get it cut again, and it probably needed it.

  2. #12
    Eternally Windblown C_Bookworm's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    What a lovely idea! I’m not *quite* here yet, but I believe I am getting close. I am enjoying reading about everyone’s processes and mindsets.
    Lady Ravenlocks, Keeper of the Secret Library in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

    Daily wash and go, monthly henndigo, annual trimmer

  3. #13

    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?

    Absolutely Bald with peach fuzz. In 2021.

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?

    I lost it all, five times, due to chemo and radiation. It was a very traumatic experience. I don't want to ever have short hair again.

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?

    Oh yes, very much.

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?

    Somewhere between my belly button and my tail bone. Yes I've had my hair that length, long ago, and I liked it a lot.

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?


    6. Do you trim your hair?

    Yes. I cut off my chemo curls.

    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?

    Not really. If anything I got a little annoyed that people were pressuring me to stop washing my hair with baking soda. When I had been doing it for many many years. Maybe twenty? And it never damaged my hair.

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?

    Yes. So much so.

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?

    I would cry, trying to pick knots out of my chemo curls. I had 4c unbrushable hair. It was awful. But I didn't want to cut it until the healthy, normal hair was to my shoulder blades. Now that I've cut off the chemo curls, I am so happy. The brush just slips through, and washing my hair is a breeze.

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?

    I don't know. I just want long hair, and to enjoy it for a very long time.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    I really love the idea for this thread, vampyyri! I think that "hair goals" change in time for most of us, they are hardly fixed in stone. IMHO most of us could belong here.
    The moderator Chromis mentioned a "cheese length thread" in some other thread, and while I know it was a joke (I liked it), this, your thread, is in my mind "the" cheese length thread - because it´s an all-inclusive and a happy place.
    You made me think about my goal and its achieve-ability. Upon finding LHC it took about three seconds (or a day, more like) to make me want to grow to terminal. But I don´t know where that is, if I will be able to achieve it, and neither do I think I would maintain it there if it was very long. I would probably cut back from terminal to shorter length at some point. I have not considered all this before you posted this thread, so thank you, vampyyri.
    And because I love answering a set of questions, here I go:

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    I had both long and short hair in the past, but the shortest was a pixie with an undercut exactly in May four years ago. I didn´t like it and I kept growing with micro-trims since then.
    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    I always preferred longer hair on me.
    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    Yes. I joined LHC just before I was about to cut shorter, and I am so glad I didn´t - I like my LHC starting point of waist. I never liked the stage of growing from shoulder to mid-back length.
    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    I would very much like to hover between a classic and knee length, if I´m lucky. Never had longer than hip length hair.
    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    At the moment, I´m very interested in length. With my barely "ii" and more like "i" thickness, I cannot hope for much in that regard.
    6. Do you trim your hair?
    No, I´m in a no-trimming club. Last time I trimmed was before LHC, in January this year, and I plan on going without trims at least till classic.
    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    Yes. CWC is working amazingly. I also just tried the scalp-only wash and loved it too.
    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Not a big, in the sense of the only important part, but I like it, yes.
    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    After finding LHC, it makes me incredibly happy. I wasn´t always happy with my hair before.
    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    As I said before, hair goals change, for some more often, for some less. I don´t know what life will bring, so I don´t yet know what´s in store for my hair either.

  5. #15
    Member Bri-Chan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    This thread is for me too!

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    When I decided I wanted longer hair I was around mid back, late 2018.

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    I just dyed my hair black (from blue) but at that length + a normal color my hair felt boring.

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    Yes, I do for sure!

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    I don't know? Maybe between hip and tbl (7 inches span). Around classic I always can't stand it anymore (both the times I was there) and before hip seems too short for the look I want at the moment. I've had my hair between hip and classic from early 2020 to a few weeks ago, then I chopped.

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    None of these, I'm more interested in its health and appereance more in general.

    6. Do you trim your hair?
    Yes, usually twice a year.

    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    Slightly but yes. I wear it up more and I have understood I need waaaay more conditioner.

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Yes, it's very important to me both for my look and for a kind of emotional connection to it.

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    It's a chore between wash days, but I really enjoy the whole process of washing.

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    I'me more likely to try different lengths, I get bored when my hair looks the same for years.
    Last edited by Bri-Chan; May 16th, 2023 at 06:22 AM. Reason: eta

  6. #16
    Always a rebel paulownia's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    Probably chin length
    It was 2009 and I decided to grow my hair, it was an act of rebellion against short hair family tradition. I was about to move from my homeland to Sweden and get married at this time - many important decisions

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    I always had short hair and longed for long

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    Yes, I do.

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    Somewhere between mid back and waist.
    Never had hair this long.

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    Thickness and texture

    6. Do you trim your hair?
    Yes, and still too often I guess

    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    A bit but not much. I'm buying less products and I wear a braid more often.
    I'm not into hairtoys since most buns just holds 5 minutes and then fell apart.

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    I love taking care of my hair and wash day is always making me happy.

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    I probably stick to one length if I ever get there
    Den som väntar på något gott väntar aldrig för länge.

    Lady Sheala the Conjurer of the Empress Tree in the Order of Long Haired Knights

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2023

    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    I really like this idea, I also don't know my goal yet!

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    Hmm it's hard to say when exactly I decided to grow it long but my last major cut was a chin length bob three years ago.

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    I've always had a fascination with long hair, my biggest inspiration were historical tv shows and fantasy inspired cosplays although most of those styles are wigs/extensions. When I was younger I found long hair really boring but I'm kind of the opposite now where I'm just bored of the different trends of haircuts and I just want to leave it as it is.

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    I'm starting to enjoy it more! My hair is about BSL right now and I'm starting to experiment with some updos etc. The only thing that's bothering me right now is that it's a little bit uneven and I have some short layers in the front from an at home haircut in November... I don't want to go to a hairdresser though and have them cut off too much or cut in more layers to even it out so.. yeah. Also I feel like my hair is kind of "boring" right now, as someone who used to have many different cuts and colours in the past. I want it to be longer than average so it looks "special" again but I know that probably sounds stupid haha.

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    I had waist length hair when I was a teenager and that's my "goal" for now I think. To me having hair that covers your boobs is a big milestone

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    Both. My hair is doing ok right now in terms of thickness although the ends are still a little thinned out due to my hair loss and also the already mentioned uneven cut. But I'm making it work for now.

    6. Do you trim your hair?
    I used to and I was usually good at it until I did the bigger chop in November. I've sworn off the scissors for now so we'll see how long I last.

    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    I only just joined!

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Kind of? I do invest a lot of time into taking care of it/researching new hair care methods just because I think it's fun. In terms of my looks though I don't think it's long enough yet to be a big part of that.

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    It makes me happy! The only times it gets frustrating is when I experienced excess hair loss but thankfully I don't right now. The main reason I want long hair besides looks is because I like taking care of it brushing it, braiding it etc. If it ever became more of a chore to me or annoying I would probably cut it.

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    The latter probably? I've never had really long hair which is why it's hard for me to say which length I will like the most on myself.

  8. #18
    The Fowl Witch 🦆 vampyyri's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    Wow, I didn't know there were so many people in the same boat Hello everyone! I've been really enjoying reading all of these responses, there's so many stories and reasons for growing, I love that.

    I'm glad that I could find a niche that so many of us were lacking! Lots of us seem to be growing around here, but it's really good to know I'm not alone in the "X Length to Happy" mentality

    Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.
    Lady Scarlette, Traveler of the Road to Dawn in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  9. #19
    shapenote singer embee's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?

    Back in about 1989 I had a short "boy cut".

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?

    I no longer had money to spend at a salon and my hair requires frequent trims to look presentable at short length (i.e. no curl or wave whatsoever).

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?

    Yes, although there were times it was very distressing. I hated having hair in my face and the mullet is not a good style for me!

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?

    Once I started growing it, I just let it grow, no trims, no cuts, nothing. I had about gone to classic when I gave it a chop of about 6-8 inches. What a mistake that was, blunt ends that would *not* go into any updo at all. I grew it back to classic ASAP.

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?

    I'm not "meh" but it is what it is. Genetics can't be beaten. At present I want to regrow what I lost in a big illness related shed in Jan 2021.

    6. Do you trim your hair?


    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?

    Yes. I used to wash/condition every few days but now I'm NW/SO with occasional scalp rinses.

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?

    I'm not sure what that means. I certainly feel more comfortable with my hair long, and I love being able to put it up several different ways.

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?

    Taking care of my hair *was* a nuisance: frequent trips to the salon when short, or long wet drippy cold hair several times a week in winter when long. Now it is no trouble at all.

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?

    I hope to make it back to classic before I die of old age! AFAIK that is terminal for me.
    Last edited by embee; May 16th, 2023 at 05:39 PM.
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  10. #20
    Member calmyogi's Avatar
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    Default Re: The "No End Goal" Thread: Enjoying the Journey

    It has been so long since I posted. These questions looked fun though.

    1. What was your starting point, and how long ago was it?
    Just past shoulder length back in 2013 when I jointed LHC.

    2. What made you decide to grow your hair?
    I have always wanted long hair but every time I tried to grow it past bra strap length it would usually annoy me because I didn't know how to put it up and it would not be that healthy.

    3. Do you enjoy the process of growing your hair out?
    Yes, but these days I get busy sometimes and don't think about it. Lately I have done this a lot and one day I will take my hair down and realized it grew a few more inches.

    4. If you had to make a wild guess, where do you think you'll find your hair's "sweet spot"? Have you had that length in the past?
    I think my sweet spot will be classic length. I will admit my original goal was mid thigh or knee length, but by the time my hair reached TBL it became more work and I have changed my mind. I think just a few more inches will be my happy spot.

    5. Are you more interested in gaining length, or gaining thickness? Or are you just "meh" about your hair?
    Length, but I have noticed my hair has lost thickness in the last year or so if I could do anything to gain more thickness I would not mind. I am not sure if that is normal when it get longer, to thin out a bit. I was going to search around on here to see if I can find anything about it.

    6. Do you trim your hair?
    Yes, I have been doing it myself for the last few years. When I stopped going to salons and doing it myself is when I really started to gain length.

    7. Has your routine changed since you've been on LHC?
    MANY times. Currently I wash it about every 2-3 days. Herbal Essences hello hydration shampoo or Herbal Essences Clarifying tea tree shampoo, Herbal Essences hello hydration conditioner, Aveda nutriplnish deep moisture treatment cream on my hair while it sopping wet, then plop. I have also been using the Aveda nutriplenish deep moisture masque a couples of times a month (should be more though >_<).

    8. Do you consider your hair to be a big part of who you are?
    Surprisingly yes.

    9. Does taking care of your hair make you happy, or is it more of a chore?
    Most of the time, but sometimes it does feel like a chore. However, it does not bother me at this point in my life to where I would cut it off for anything.

    10. Do you think you are more likely to eventually land on one length, or try several different ones and change it up?
    My goal has always been to grow so I think I will land on my current goal of classic length and be happy with that.
    Lady Nisaba, Scribe of the Celestial Scrolls in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

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