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Thread: How to get rid of my green hair, and if filter is contributing instead of helping?

  1. #11
    Member walkinglady's Avatar
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    I saved part of the miracle water thread on my computer so I'll share what I have with you. I wish I could remember who started this thread so I could give credit where the credit is due .........

    I make my water in a gallon water jug right before I get in the shower, I use warm water and add 1/32 of a teaspoon of vitamin c L-ascorbic acid and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. I think the key to this is less is more, I didn't want a strongly acidic solution like the standard after-shampoo citric acid rinse (1/4 teaspoon to 2 cups of water). I just wanted enough to chelate the minerals and through trial and error found that 1/4 teaspoon was plenty. I was also worried that if it was too acidic, shampoo and conditioner wouldn't work correctly and that it would dry out my hair.

    I based my amount of vitamin c on the information given by the Vitashower company but am actually using more than necessary just because it's too hard to measure anything smaller, lol (and the little extra doesn't seem to matter). They say that 1 gram of vitamin c will dechlorinate 100 gallons of water (but they don't say how much chlorine/chloramine that water contains), meaning 10 milligrams would dechlorinate 1 gallon. My bottle of ascorbic acid says that 1/2 teaspoon contains 2.25 grams so 1/32 of a teaspoon is more than enough. I did test my water with strips I got from the pet store to make sure the chlorine/chloramine was gone

  2. #12
    Member pele's Avatar
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    Well, thanks for all your responses. I asked my Dad, and he said that it's possible the filter could be causing more green as it's filtering out some minerals, but keeping the rest, and sometimes all of them need to work together. Interesting.

    Anyways, I'm going to take off the shower filter. It's called "Aquasmart".

    Also, I might try the ketchup on my hair. I was researching and I think tomato paste might work too.

    I am not a swimmer AT ALL. I think there is just a lot of chlorine in my water at home. I can even smell it through the tap water, and even after filtering my drinking water with a Brita Filter, my mom said she could still smell the chlorine in the filtered water.

    So...solution is to take off the filter and do a tomato rinse. I'll let you know what happens!

    1a, F, i/ii - stopped dye April 2013 and going back to natural color

  3. #13
    ~BleachedGuru~ justgreen's Avatar
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    I sometimes use Nexxus Aloe Rid, a mild chelating shampoo, removes all that stuff. I dilute it , I've never used it full strength,and it still works great. It's good to have in the bathroom cabinet.
    Callie sez *meep*
    justgreen judiciously journals
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  4. #14
    Member Avaya's Avatar
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    Nov 2008

    Default Re: How to get rid of my green hair, and if filter is contributing instead of helping

    Do you use ketchup on wet or dry hair and for how long?

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