If Germany is an option, I've been buying Henna and Cassia from Henna & Mehr for years.
Horrible oldschool website, in German and French only, but it is pretty straight forward and the quality is great for the pricepoint.
Last edited by aeryss; May 9th, 2023 at 01:36 PM. Reason: forgot the quote
Semi-permanent ginger | 73cm sss | no trims in 2023 |
Ósnjallr maðr hyggsk munu ey lifa, ef hann við víg varask;
en elli gefr hánum engi frið, þótt hánum geirar gefi.
Instagram | Last.fm | Folk band | Acoustic metal duo | My links
Ylva I order natural stuff from this website, I see it ship to Finland too.
For hip length hair I would recommend around 200 gr to be sure.
I think Cultivator's, Khadi and Radico are brands that are easily available in Finland, at least I often end up with Finnish webpages when searching for those. I think they all have either pure cassia or cassia blends with only conditioning herbs (without henna or indigo).
I specifically like Cultivator's and Khadi but I have used these all for dyeing. They can be a bit pricey, but at least here I can always find them with discount somewhere.
I have heard the mermaids singing... and I do think that they will sing to me...
Don't miss the LHC Book Club!
Oh, these are much more affordable than the ones I browsed at Life! Great option, thank you, and thanks for the gram recommendation, too.
I looked at both of those but indeed, they are quite pricey. With my washing my hair quite often (every day or every other day), I don't really want to spend that much on it.
Your experience is fresh on my mind and that was actually the first thing I looked at - that they contained purely cassia.But I must say, I think your colour looks lovely and it goes so well with your skin tone.
Ósnjallr maðr hyggsk munu ey lifa, ef hann við víg varask;
en elli gefr hánum engi frið, þótt hánum geirar gefi.
Instagram | Last.fm | Folk band | Acoustic metal duo | My links
Ósnjallr maðr hyggsk munu ey lifa, ef hann við víg varask;
en elli gefr hánum engi frið, þótt hánum geirar gefi.
Instagram | Last.fm | Folk band | Acoustic metal duo | My links
Changed my mind again I'm just going to go with the flow