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Thread: Entertaining Hair Conversations: Let's share!

  1. #1371
    Member Of the Fae's Avatar
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    Default Re: Entertaining Hair Conversations: Let's share!

    Agree Sarahlabyrinth and JaneHathaway, the same went for me, I had no idea how much length one needs for certain updos and was always amazed by these amazing braids some people would wear :P
    Lady Bainwen, Scribe of Glorious Horizons in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  2. #1372
    Endearing weirdo truepeacenik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Entertaining Hair Conversations: Let's share!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarahlabyrinth View Post
    So I was wearing my hair like this today at my art exhibition -

    and this lady came up to me and said "You know, I've been trying to do my hair like yours but it just won't DO it".

    I found it hard to think of a response because - her hair was just above shoulder length.
    Those are the moments I know KNIT isn't my nature.

    Also, way to pay attention to the art.

    I get a lot of comments about my hair when I'm painting. A downside of live painting, for sure.
    That, and the escapees turning blue or purple form the acrylics.
    Join a declutter challenge

    Nevertheless, she persisted.

  3. #1373

    Default Re: Entertaining Hair Conversations: Let's share!

    A couple weeks ago when I was taking a web break, Hubby mentioned my hair was pretty
    It was in a half up, and he said it looked soft and full.

    Recently I am getting compliments on my color variations (mostly white with blonde/light brown streaks)

    Today I saw a lady who was my age at the store; she had hip length light brown hair that was in a ponytail and had soft wurls.
    I didn't see any silver, yet it had lots of different/natural shades to it I doubt she colors it.
    We had a quick chat about having long hair at our age, and not growing past hip for ease of care; she mentioned having less chance of accidents in the ladies room
    She ponytails her hair, brings it around front and snips to maintain her hemline...which was a soft U; like a modified feye's.
    She's not on the web...I asked...and told her about LHC
    Hubby was smirking at me the whole time LOL

    ETA: Tonight when we watched Jeopardy, HUBBY commented to me that one contestant had LONG SILVER HAIR (@ hip).
    She looked young-ish to me, so it may have been dyed; it was pretty uniform in color....but did look nice on her.
    I was amused ...and pleased HE brought it up
    Last edited by Groovy Granny; December 4th, 2016 at 03:02 PM.

  4. #1374
    Member wispe's Avatar
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    I was braiding my hair his morning and had to dig through my bag to grab a tie, so naturally I stuck the tassel in my mouth to hold it while I searched. My mom was watching and had to comment that it's "quite the thing to be able to put your hair in your mouth, and not just the stuff from in front". She's had short (pixie to layered bob) length hair for years now, so she gets kicks out of watching me do hair stuff now.

    I'm also slightly amused that if I go out with her (to the store or to eat or such) and I get a comment on my hair, she will inform that person that every time we go out I get at least one compliment on it. Which is an exaggeration of course. It makes it even funnier to me that she was SO AGAINST me dying my hair pink in the first place but now if someone mentions it in her presence she kind of beams like she's proud. It's precious and feels better to me than getting the initial comment does.

  5. #1375
    Member Olavi's Avatar
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    There's new, long haired guy in my D&D group. At our latest session my broken wrist was big topic, and after the game I mentioned to other player, that figuring out how to make braid myself with the cast was great step forward and saved my hair from being tangly mess. That long haired guy chimed in, and said he didn't know braids are used as tangle management, he thought they are just a style thing. This led us to conversation about different kind of braids and their differences. In the end, our DM was confused, because this was first ever hair related conversation after his game. And I got the permission to braid the hair of the Long Haired Guy next time : >
    Neck - Shoulder - APL - BSL - Midback - ~Waist~
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  6. #1376
    Member spirals's Avatar
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    We added 2 people to our team at work this week so in our daily meeting we did the thing where you go around and say your name and something interesting about you. I said "If you see someone dressed like it's 85 years ago, it's probably me." My boss piped up, "..and Spirals has really long hair!" It's only hip length, barely, but that was nice to hear.

  7. #1377
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    I went to my dad's today and I was showing that I hit hip length again. He asked if I was gonna "cut that off" and I said no way. He told me I got that "crazy hair" from my mom's side of the family. Nope, I told him: it is definitely his side! I texted my mom about it when I got home and she stated that my dad's dad had curls and several of his siblings were curly-heads "...and has he met Melissa??" [my 3b cousin whom my dad has known her whole life; I mean, the woman has hair like one of those spirally telephone cords..] Most of Mom's family have straight hair.

  8. #1378
    Endearing weirdo truepeacenik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Entertaining Hair Conversations: Let's share!

    Quote Originally Posted by spirals View Post
    I went to my dad's today and I was showing that I hit hip length again. He asked if I was gonna "cut that off" and I said no way. He told me I got that "crazy hair" from my mom's side of the family. Nope, I told him: it is definitely his side! I texted my mom about it when I got home and she stated that my dad's dad had curls and several of his siblings were curly-heads "...and has he met Melissa??" [my 3b cousin whom my dad has known her whole life; I mean, the woman has hair like one of those spirally telephone cords..] Most of Mom's family have straight hair.
    Crazy likely means curly, but could he be thinking length as well?

    Similar note, my auntie once said I got my hair texture from her mom, my grandmother. I'm adopted. I share no DNA. My adoption was never a secret.
    Even my baby book is for adoptees.

  9. #1379
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    Default Re: Entertaining Hair Conversations: Let's share!

    Quote Originally Posted by truepeacenik View Post
    but could he be thinking length as well?
    I thought of that as well, but he can't blame that on Mom's family either. Bunch of short-haired women on that side and the only one with long hair to speak of was at APL. I guess it's the length and curls all rolled into one thing he doesn't understand.

  10. #1380
    has notorious buns Wildcat Diva's Avatar
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    Default Re: Entertaining Hair Conversations: Let's share!

    My range safetly officer who hosts "Girl and A Gun" meetings which I attend for pistol practice monthly has instinctively tuned in to the potential self defense applications of my hairsticks I wear. Last month she mentioned them, and tonight she told another member that she needed to take a page from my book as I always had a "viscous little thing" holding my hair up which could be used in a scuffle in which defending one's life was the task at hand.

    I thought that was pretty funny.

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