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Thread: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

  1. #1

    Default Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    I read through the Betsy & Tasy books for the first time this winter, they where awesome!
    In the later couple of books there are several of references to hair styles. The ones that caught my eye the most where the references to coronet braids worn both by Tasy & Betsy's sister while all the other girls wore the fashionable poofy pompador.
    Does anyone know how these corenet braids where kept together? The book does mention both Tasy & Margaret's braids coming down once & there aren't very many references to Tasy fixing her hair.
    I have attempted corenet braids in the past (I love how they look!) but I have trouble keeping my hair style together for an all day wear, Im hopping that like Tasy I can have it as an every day style.
    In the past I have predominantly used U pins & bobby pins
    Hair type; 2b, length; tailbone county
    Any help, tutorials or suggestions are welcome
    Also any random Betsy & Tasy hair style discussion is fun also!

  2. #2
    Member LongHairFaerie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    I haven't read these books, but here is a good video from Silvousplaits on using bobby pins effectively. I've adjusted the link to start at the point where she talks about pinning hair for a coronet braid.

    Here's screenshots of the two placement options as a reference:


    Wishing you all love, joy, and peace!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    Do you mean a crown braid (where it's essentially braided to your head), or what are often called "Heidi" or "milkmaid" braids that are just regular braids wrapped around (and would require pinning)?
    Putting it in my signature because I have to say it so often:
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  4. #4
    Evil Duck Queen TatsuOni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    Quote Originally Posted by Kat View Post
    Do you mean a crown braid (where it's essentially braided to your head), or what are often called "Heidi" or "milkmaid" braids that are just regular braids wrapped around (and would require pinning)?
    I've learned from the LHC, that a crown braid is braid braided around your head like lace braid or a French braid and that a Coronet braid is a regular braid wrapped around your head and pinned into place. Milkmaid/Heidi braids are two braids crossed over your head, our wrapped around if your hair is longer.

    I often wear a Coronet braid (a braid wrapped around my head) and I pin it into place with U-pins or tie it with a ribbon.

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  5. #5
    Secretly a Bald Dude AmaryllisRed's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    Quote Originally Posted by TatsuOni View Post
    I've learned from the LHC, that a crown braid is braid braided around your head like lace braid or a French braid and that a Coronet braid is a regular braid wrapped around your head and pinned into place. Milkmaid/Heidi braids are two braids crossed over your head, our wrapped around if your hair is longer.

    I often wear a Coronet braid (a braid wrapped around my head) and I pin it into place with U-pins or tie it with a ribbon.
    Yes, this is my opinion, too. I just wanted to add, Haziel, that you're probably at or close to enough length to do the coronet like Tatsu describes. I think I got it to work when my hair was around tailbone length.
    (That said, I prefer crown braids or milkmaid braids over a coronet because they seem to stay up better for me.)
    (I should add, my hair is too short for a coronet these days. I'm just speaking from prior experience.)
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  6. #6
    Evil Duck Queen TatsuOni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    Quote Originally Posted by AmaryllisRed View Post
    Yes, this is my opinion, too. I just wanted to add, Haziel, that you're probably at or close to enough length to do the coronet like Tatsu describes. I think I got it to work when my hair was around tailbone length.
    (That said, I prefer crown braids or milkmaid braids over a coronet because they seem to stay up better for me.)
    (I should add, my hair is too short for a coronet these days. I'm just speaking from prior experience.)
    I'm short, so I was just able to do a coronet braid, once I reached classic. Now that my hair is longer and I can wrap the braid twice around my head it stays up very well. If I pin or tape it good enough, I can wear it for days. I also prefer to do my coronet braid from a side braid, rather than from one behind my head.

    I did a tutorial four years ago. I basically do it the same way now, but make sure to catch more hair from "inside the braid" circle too.
    I got one on hair taping too. If I'm too lazy to do it with a thicker ribbon, I use a thicker silk thread to tape, it since there's not worry about it twisting.

    A crown braid is great, but I'm mostly to lazy to do one

    Be nice or the beast will scream

    Lady Raven, Guardian of the Enchanted Forests of Nevermore. In The Order of the Long Haired Knights

  7. #7

    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    I was ignorant of the difference between the coranet braid & the milk maid/Heidi braids
    Thinking corenet braids was 1 braids & corenet braids was 2 braids. Thanks for helping me sort that
    I have mostly done milk maid/Heidi braids more often then corenet braid because my braid tapers significantly & 1 braid wrapperd throws off my head balance, I have ofcourse not thought of doing a side braid like Tatsu showed in the video
    I also am wondering if anyone has used the sewing method to keep the hair dos together?

  8. #8
    Evil Duck Queen TatsuOni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    Quote Originally Posted by Haziel View Post
    I was ignorant of the difference between the coranet braid & the milk maid/Heidi braids
    Thinking corenet braids was 1 braids & corenet braids was 2 braids. Thanks for helping me sort that
    I have mostly done milk maid/Heidi braids more often then corenet braid because my braid tapers significantly & 1 braid wrapperd throws off my head balance, I have ofcourse not thought of doing a side braid like Tatsu showed in the video
    I also am wondering if anyone has used the sewing method to keep the hair dos together?
    With sewing I assume that you mean what's called hair taping in English? It's what I'm doing in the second video.

    Be nice or the beast will scream

    Lady Raven, Guardian of the Enchanted Forests of Nevermore. In The Order of the Long Haired Knights

  9. #9

    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking of
    Thank you

  10. #10

    Default Re: Coronet Braid-Betsy & Tasy

    Quote Originally Posted by TatsuOni View Post
    I've learned from the LHC, that a crown braid is braid braided around your head like lace braid or a French braid and that a Coronet braid is a regular braid wrapped around your head and pinned into place. Milkmaid/Heidi braids are two braids crossed over your head, our wrapped around if your hair is longer.

    I often wear a Coronet braid (a braid wrapped around my head) and I pin it into place with U-pins or tie it with a ribbon.
    Oh, that's right-- they are two different things. To me, a "crown" and a "coronet" are basically the same thing, so it stands to reason they'd be different names for the same thing when it comes to braids.

    Coronet braid must be good for people with no braid taper. On me, it looks lopsided.
    Putting it in my signature because I have to say it so often:
    Do what works for your hair, not what other people say is "right" or "wrong." If it works for you, it's not wrong. If it doesn't work for you, it's not right.

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