Hair is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
My not-usually-hair-related blog is at
physicschick - We very much appreciate your keeping the board running!
If there's something strange with your long hair / Who you gonna call? / L-H-C! (sung to the tune of Ghostbusters)
Oh my goodness what a relief! If there's anything I can do to help please give a shout.
Henna, Herbal Coloring,Damaged Hair Articles
Been following this thread and happy to see things are moving in the right direction. I appreciate everyone's efforts to preserve LHC so much.
You have my bow!
(=if there's something my lackluster it skills would help with, I offer to try to help. No hurry, important family matters first.)
I'm fine
Lady Sarana, Ranger of the Eastern Hills
in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
You're amazing. Thanks for being willing to take this on and remember that we can help you financially with the donate button. I'm sure many of us would be willing to contribute. I'm so sorry about your dad. My parents are aging and that is hard enough. I wish you all the strength you need as you deal with that.
Lady Meikyo of the Cerise Blade
Wonderful news about the LHC - very sad news about your Dad, it's such a difficult time to go through. Spend all the time you can with him, nothing else is as important at the moment.
That's wonderful news!
I'm sorry you're going through that physicschick. I know that words are little help or consolation, but my heart goes out to you and your family and Dad right now. Take care of yourself, while you're caring for him too. *hug*
*Lady Nyx, Possessor of The bewhytchd Lens*