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Thread: Unbrush? (Also HELP; everything in the entire world gives me breakage apparently)

  1. #81
    The Little Mermaid SandyBottom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unbrush? (Also HELP; everything in the entire world gives me breakage apparently)

    Quote Originally Posted by Für immer View Post
    That's what I've read as well (don't have an Unbrush, and no intention to get one, but this thread made me curious about it).
    And, correct me if I'm wrong, but other than it saying Unbrush on the handle, isn't it only one specific company/brand that makes the real one?
    Yes, the company that makes it is FHI but it can be found for sale on Amazon, eBay, and in some stores.

    Quote Originally Posted by luxurioushair View Post
    Finger-detangling doesn't work at all? I'm only asking because I wonder if every hair type does well with finger-detangling or not
    I don't finger detangle or do any detangling really. Brushing in the normal bottom to top way is easily done on my hair without it which means that much less manipulation. My TT works beautifully for me although I know it's not for everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by baanoo View Post
    I believe Sandy's hair is of a similar type to mine and I finger-detangle before combing it out (and in the middle, and after...). Brushing is really "smoothing" most of the time; only if it's perfectly detangled do I use a TT for real. When it was shorter, I used a brush more.
    We do have the same type

    Quote Originally Posted by ETJ CURLS View Post
    Have y'all tried holding combs/brushes by the head and not the handle? That's what I do and it seems to work much better.
    You know, it's funny. Your question got me thinking back on brushes I've used over the years and looong ago I had a bb without a handle. I don't know what that style is called but it was just held in the palm and was kind of big, at least my friends would sometimes comment on it. I've also had a cheap plastic one and the handle on that broke off at some point. The TT (mine doesn't have a handle) was no big deal to me. It had the palm held style familiar to me but the ease and convenience of plastic. The one I'm looking to replace is the TT compact. I think I might try the Unbrush, mostly out of curiosity. If I don't like it or it doesn't work out I still have my original TT, the full size one and this way I can use either and also compare.

    Thanks for all your input everyone!! I'm sorry it took me a bit to get back here-so many interruptions lately.
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  2. #82
    Lavender Dusk Moth Für immer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unbrush? (Also HELP; everything in the entire world gives me breakage apparently)

    Quote Originally Posted by SandyBottom View Post
    Yes, the company that makes it is FHI but it can be found for sale on Amazon, eBay, and in some stores.
    Ah, thought so. Thank you for confirmation.
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  3. #83
    Member luxurioushair's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unbrush? (Also HELP; everything in the entire world gives me breakage apparently)

    Quote Originally Posted by Abacus View Post
    Oh good question! I feel like with some hair types brushing really helps to efficiently smooth the hair? Brushing definitely doesn't work for me in general, finger detangling is the way to go.
    Quote Originally Posted by baanoo View Post
    I believe Sandy's hair is of a similar type to mine and I finger-detangle before combing it out (and in the middle, and after...). Brushing is really "smoothing" most of the time; only if it's perfectly detangled do I use a TT for real. When it was shorter, I used a brush more.
    Quote Originally Posted by SandyBottom View Post
    I don't finger detangle or do any detangling really. Brushing in the normal bottom to top way is easily done on my hair without it which means that much less manipulation. My TT works beautifully for me although I know it's not for everyone.

    Thanks for your insightful answers

    Quote Originally Posted by ETJ CURLS View Post
    Have y'all tried holding combs/brushes by the head and not the handle? That's what I do and it seems to work much better.
    Well I guess it depends on what we mean by "working better". If you mean it detangles better, I'm glad it works for you, but brushes just break my hair strands, unfortunately. For me, as long as the method reduces damage to my hair, then it is "working well".
    Last edited by luxurioushair; Today at 08:51 AM.
    Started: 13/11/2014.Elapsed
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