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Thread: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

  1. #44911
    Member Hairy-Fairy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

    I know someone who treats their hair really roughly. Every year or two, it thins out from the damage and then l they cut it and grow it back out. But I'm not sure if they're growing because they want long hair or if they just feel like they SHOULD have long hair or if it's just the easiest thing to do. I don't know if I know them well enough to offer hair advice or if they'd even want it.
    Last edited by Hairy-Fairy; October 10th, 2024 at 07:09 AM. Reason: Typos
    Onward, Downward, and Outward to Body Swallowing Lengths!!

  2. #44912
    Member Bri-Chan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

    Quote Originally Posted by Hairy-Fairy View Post
    I know someone who treats their hair really roughly. Every year or two, it thins out from the damage and the l they cut it and grow it back out. But I'm not sure if they're growing because they want long hair or if they just feel like they SHOULD have long hair or if it's just the easiest thing to do. I don't know if I know them well enough to offer hair advice or if they'd even want it.
    I come to the conclusion that not so many people care about hair length how much as we do. They just let it grow and cut when they are not enjoing the length anymore. I was this way too when I wasn't focused on having long hair. I reached WL/HP, I didn't like it on my self and cut it back to APL.

  3. #44913
    Learn more. Know less. foreveryours's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

    Quote Originally Posted by PWild View Post
    I was expecting more comments as my hair got longer, but nothing so far. I think it's so common for a guy to have long hair now at any age that no one seems to notice, or if they do they keep their mouth shut. Even family gatherings where I have not seen relatives in a long while - no comments. Fine with me!

    Oh wait, my niece said she noticed that my hair was as long as my wife's now. I took that as a compliment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bat View Post
    One of use! One of us!
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandt View Post
    Funny that I'm encountering the same thing--fewer "random" people have given me compliments on my hair now (but still occasional), even though it's even longer than before. But then again, I frequently see other men with long hair/very long hair (probably beyond MBL several times per week though hip-length or longer probably once a month, so that's rare). Perhaps now that my hair is waist-length, it might be a little more shocking to the average person, versus when it was maybe APL that the compliments were greatest. But...I like my hair at waist length more than APL (and definitely hope it will grow longer--hip or beyond), so that's the important thing. For reference, my last hair cut was January 2020--I had maybe just slightly longer than average hair for a male at that time (yes, it was the pandemic that started my hair growth, but I was considering it anyway, so had the pandemic not happened, I probably would have started my hair journey 6-12 months later, and I did let my hair grow somewhat long (maybe a bit shorter than APL) for awhile in college though knew nothing about caring for long hair then--for example, Suave was my shampoo further comment needed).

    I think women's hair has gotten longer in the past several years as well, though that could partly be my perception since I pay more attention now. I see hip-length hair or longer pretty much every day (often multiple times).
    Quote Originally Posted by nate View Post
    I had long hair for years and got probably one comment every two years or so.

    On the other hand, after I cut it, multiple people shared their opinions on how they felt about my hair before the cut. Their comments were mostly positive -- to my surprise, because I certainly didn't feel very positive about it at that point. Might have been nice if they had offered those comments a little earlier.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kat View Post
    I was realizing not long ago that I've also had fewer comments on my (female though) hair... it used to be that I would definitely notice a difference keeping it at hip-or-so vs. classic or longer (which was part of what made me realize shorter was for me). You know, just the usual ones from strangers: "your hair is long!/have you ever cut it/when was the last time you cut it/blahblah." Definitely a welcome change, just an interesting one. I wonder if it's a post-Covid thing or just random. (Now the comments are usually from people I know, which is less grating.)

    For me, yes-- I've never been a fan of gigantic buns either because they just don't suit me. It might depend on the person, because there are people who totally pull it off. (Although I do have a picture of me wearing a skating-bun-- for both ice skating and indoor without-a-helmet roller skating, I wear a bun because a bun once saved me from hitting my head on the ice, so I have big bun forms to make my skating buns even bigger and more cushion-y-- that looked kind of cute in a maybe-slightly-silly way.)

    That's always the sad part... too late, guys. (And a good reminder to the rest of us to say nice things to people...)
    Yeah me too. I used to get tons of comments when I was TBL years ago. Now not so much even though it's considerably longer. But I rarely (almost never) wear it down, even when braided, anymore so nobody can see it. That must be the reason. So I'd like to believe anyway
    scalp > SL > MBL > TBL > FTL > KNEE > KNEE+

  4. #44914
    Member shayna's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

    Quote Originally Posted by foreveryours View Post
    Yeah me too. I used to get tons of comments when I was TBL years ago. Now not so much even though it's considerably longer. But I rarely (almost never) wear it down, even when braided, anymore so nobody can see it. That must be the reason. So I'd like to believe anyway
    Although longer hair might be more common than say 10-20 years ago, I am wondering if there is actually another reason for the lack of feedback on your fabulous locks.... have people in general become a bit more cautious with making personal comments than they used to be?
    Are they worried about seeming to be seen as being 'inappropriate' or 'un-hip' by acknowledging another person's appearance these days?

  5. #44915
    Member LongLocke's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

    Quote Originally Posted by PWild View Post
    I was expecting more comments as my hair got longer, but nothing so far. I think it's so common for a guy to have long hair now at any age that no one seems to notice, or if they do they keep their mouth shut. Even family gatherings where I have not seen relatives in a long while - no comments. Fine with me!

    Oh wait, my niece said she noticed that my hair was as long as my wife's now. I took that as a compliment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brandt View Post
    Funny that I'm encountering the same thing--fewer "random" people have given me compliments on my hair now (but still occasional), even though it's even longer than before. But then again, I frequently see other men with long hair/very long hair (probably beyond MBL several times per week though hip-length or longer probably once a month, so that's rare). Perhaps now that my hair is waist-length, it might be a little more shocking to the average person, versus when it was maybe APL that the compliments were greatest. But...I like my hair at waist length more than APL (and definitely hope it will grow longer--hip or beyond), so that's the important thing. For reference, my last hair cut was January 2020--I had maybe just slightly longer than average hair for a male at that time (yes, it was the pandemic that started my hair growth, but I was considering it anyway, so had the pandemic not happened, I probably would have started my hair journey 6-12 months later, and I did let my hair grow somewhat long (maybe a bit shorter than APL) for awhile in college though knew nothing about caring for long hair then--for example, Suave was my shampoo further comment needed).

    I think women's hair has gotten longer in the past several years as well, though that could partly be my perception since I pay more attention now. I see hip-length hair or longer pretty much every day (often multiple times).
    Quote Originally Posted by foreveryours View Post
    Yeah me too. I used to get tons of comments when I was TBL years ago. Now not so much even though it's considerably longer. But I rarely (almost never) wear it down, even when braided, anymore so nobody can see it. That must be the reason. So I'd like to believe anyway
    I noticed a trend when I was between APL and MBL where people were more apt to make comments. I got the occasional "Your hair has gotten so long" prior to that, but in the APL range, that's when the snarky comments started coming from other guys. I think most of my coworkers realized they weren't going to peer pressure me into cutting my hair, so those comments had dried up by the time I hit waist length. If I do get a random compliment, I make a joke about how I'll be holding on to that comment to get me through the next few months. LOL

    And I think any increase in the number of long hairs you see on a given day is more due to perception. It's the same reason you start to notice more of a particular type of car on the road. Your brain is filtering a lot of stuff out of your conscious state, and once you get tuned into something, that thing begins to break through the mental filter more easily.

  6. #44916
    Learn more. Know less. foreveryours's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

    Quote Originally Posted by LongLocke View Post
    I noticed a trend when I was between APL and MBL where people were more apt to make comments. I got the occasional "Your hair has gotten so long" prior to that, but in the APL range, that's when the snarky comments started coming from other guys. I think most of my coworkers realized they weren't going to peer pressure me into cutting my hair, so those comments had dried up by the time I hit waist length. If I do get a random compliment, I make a joke about how I'll be holding on to that comment to get me through the next few months. LOL

    And I think any increase in the number of long hairs you see on a given day is more due to perception. It's the same reason you start to notice more of a particular type of car on the road. Your brain is filtering a lot of stuff out of your conscious state, and once you get tuned into something, that thing begins to break through the mental filter more easily.
    Ever gone mushroom hunting? So true. Find just one and they are suddenly ALL OVER!
    scalp > SL > MBL > TBL > FTL > KNEE > KNEE+

  7. #44917
    Lullaby of Obliteration
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    Default Re: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

    if i had hair I'd be pulling it out, formatting is a pain in the butt!


  8. #44918
    Member sarana's Avatar
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    I was at a party last weekend, and I got my hair badly stuck around the very skinny entry badge lanyard. I couldn't get it out and it was at a difficult angle, so I asked my friend. She started just ripping my hair out of the knot, and I told her to stop.

    Interesting how some people who are not on the path of long hair do not seem to care or think about the health of the hair much at all. My friend colours hers often, and it has never been longer than CBL. For me even small amounts of breakage are cringey, because I still need to have those hairs with me 10 years from now on.
    I'm fine
    Lady Sarana, Ranger of the Eastern Hills
    in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights

  9. #44919
    La Sirène Für immer's Avatar
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    Oh! What an awful experience, sarana. Picturing it is giving off so much bad vibes I almost feel nauseous.

    But even if someoebody isn't as invested in good haircare and such as we are, shouldn’t they be gentler with what isn't theirs?
    I mean, before I "converted to the Hairy side", I didn't really think of knots and such when brushing my hair.
    But I was certainly careful if dealing with someone else's, like my sister's for example.
    Lady Moon of the forests of wonderland, in the Order of the Long-Haired Knights
    🧜On instagram: yareach_lhc

  10. #44920
    Member shayna's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Random Hair Thoughts Megathread

    I am not happy. For some stupid reason I went outside with my mirror to take a good look at how my hair looked in the sunlight..........indoors it just looks like dark brown hair, outside it looks like.....hard to find the right words without, an ugly mess? An ugly multi-coloured grown out dye, balding parting, twinkly grey bits, fly-away ends mess.
    I am disillusioned. Daylight! WHY do you hate me so much? End of rant .

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