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Thread: The hair dream/nightmare thread

  1. #1231

    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    Quote Originally Posted by AmaryllisRed View Post
    Last night I had a dream that I SHAVED MY HEAD. Didn't even cut it short first, just started shaving with a manual(? not electric. Acoustic?) razor, right in the front of my hair. I did the first few inches of scalp, all the way around my head, so I was left with a chunk of long hair at the crown, maybe two inches in diameter. In the dream, I was satisfied with it. What the heck.
    I think the reason for this dream is that yesterday I went over my friend's house and was showing her how to Dutch braid her daughter's hair and it was so long and pretty I was kind of jealous and decided I am definitely growing mine long again.
    thats a nightmare i have 2 times , that i shave my head, and then i become bald and it never get back again .. so traumatizing
    your dream seems like you defenetly have something around with your hair !

  2. #1232
    Member Reyn127's Avatar
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    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    It's so funny reading about everyone else's weird hair dreams, and knowing that I'm not the only one! I have regular (like a couple times per year at most) dreams where I cut my hair off into a bob and at first I'm fine with it but by the end of the dream it's starting to go badly and I have a lot of regret and panic.... Now it's been a while since I had one of those dreams, but just the other day it happened again but this time I only cut my hair to classic length in the dream, but still it ended up turning into more of a nightmare of regret at the end. I'm always glad to wake up and discover it wasn't real!
    Current length: Knee+!
    Final Goal length more or less achieved!

    Buzzed my head in 2010. Joined here and have been growing from Waist length since 2016

  3. #1233
    Member Greengable's Avatar
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    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    I had never had a hair nightmare until last night. My mother cut my hair the way I have worn it many times during my adolescence, like the protagonist of the movie Amelie. Suddenly my bangs were super short again OMG I woke up sweating.
    🍉SHAVED june 2020 ~ MBL ~ goal WLslooowwwwly reaching the waist

  4. #1234

    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    I had a dream that I dyed my hair blonde! As someone with jet black hair, thats always been a fantasy of mine, but Im too scared to ever give it a try.

  5. #1235
    Member luxi's Avatar
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    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    Last night I had a dream I wanted to dye the ends of my hair darker to match the roots. The dye seemed much darker on the box than what my roots are though and I ended up changing my mind at the last minute.

  6. #1236
    Secretly a Bald Dude AmaryllisRed's Avatar
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    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    Last night I dreamed that I was late for work (like 6 hours late for an 8 hour shift) and I was trying to put my hair up. It was SO long and heavy I couldn't figure out how to put it up. And all I could find were a single black hair tie and a few bent bobby pins. I finally gave up and decided to quit my job.
    Hair is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
    My not-usually-hair-related blog is at

  7. #1237
    Member luxi's Avatar
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    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    In my dream last night, I cut my hair to collarbone length and instantly regretted it. I was so upset about it in the dream that I woke up a few moments later.

  8. #1238
    Lullaby of Obliteration
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    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    I dreamed that I dyed my hair black but didn't wash the dye out, which is weird I wonder what that means LOL


  9. #1239

    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    A few nights ago I had a dream where I was combing my tangled hair and I kept pulling through every snag instead of taking time to work it out gently. I was frustrated in the dream, but at the same time I wasn't able to stop

  10. #1240
    Member LongHairFaerie's Avatar
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    Look out the window O_O

    Default Re: The hair dream/nightmare thread

    Quote Originally Posted by AmaryllisRed View Post
    Last night I dreamed that I was late for work (like 6 hours late for an 8 hour shift) and I was trying to put my hair up. It was SO long and heavy I couldn't figure out how to put it up. And all I could find were a single black hair tie and a few bent bobby pins. I finally gave up and decided to quit my job.
    The only acceptable option haha
    Wishing you all love, joy, and peace!

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