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Thread: Inconsistent results, grey roots and questions about buying henna in the UK

  1. #1
    Member girlinabox's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Inconsistent results, grey roots and questions about buying henna in the UK

    Hi all,

    Firstly, would you be willing to share with me your favourite places to get henna in the UK and also how you manage to reduce the bright orange 'you've been tangoed' look?

    For info I have naturally medium brown hair and have been using henna for over 10 years now - initially starting out just using straight henna but as I've started to get more and more grey hairs (which are ALL in the front around my temple annoyingly!!) I started incorporating indigo (initially using henna and indigo and mixing myself, but then moving to pre-made mixes in the Chesnut shade from 'Its Pure'). Over the last few years my hair got very very dark but the roots always look really bad - sometimes orangey-brown, sometimes not really doing much to cover them at all.

    Recently I tried removing some of the built-up darkness using dandruff shampoo and citiric acid masks which helped a bit. I then applied henna (which I got off Amazon and stated was 2.9% Rajasthani henna) and ended up with the most vivid orange roots imaginable! I waited a couple of days for it to settle but it didn't so reapplied, as I read that repeated applications reduces the bright orange shade, but again, it didn't diminish, so I have taken to using the pre-made chestnut mix by It's Pure again...but now I find that with the indigo my hair looks so flat and artificial, if that makes sense? I was wondering if maybe doing some light henna glosses over the top with conditioner might help to give some of that lovely shine and lustre but with my greys covered.

    I'm wondering what those of you with darker hair (medium brown to dark brown) do? Pretty please can you share your tips and tricks and secrets with me? I honestly don't know what to do anymore and I am just not ready to leave my greys natural I don't want to go down the chemical dye route as my hair is getting finer with age

    Thank you so very much!!

  2. #2
    Always a rebel paulownia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Default Re: Inconsistent results, grey roots and questions about buying henna in the UK

    I would stick with henna only.
    Rajasthani is a good choice here but make sure it stands to develop dye at least 12 hours.
    If you want to build brown you need to leave it on roots for long time.
    Try henna without acidic addictive and keep it for 6 hours. It should get darker after some time.
    Den som väntar på något gott väntar aldrig för länge.

    Lady Sheala the Conjurer of the Empress Tree in the Order of Long Haired Knights

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