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Thread: Henna design on bald patch

  1. #1
    Member Braided Lady's Avatar
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    Default Henna design on bald patch

    I currently have the largest bald patch to date for me(I have alopecia areata, and have a lot of bald spots appear and grow out again), and I was thinking it could a fun place to have a tiny henna design. I know this area of the forum is more for actually applying henna to the hair, but I thought it would be a good place to ask if any of you know of any dangers to putting henna on a currently bald section, that I expect to regrow fairly soon. There are already some very small hairs, so I'm a little worried about uprooting them in the process, and I saw one comment elsewhere on the internet about henna being connected to scarring alopecia (in response to a similar idea) which worried me, but I couldn't find anything else on that point, so I suspect it's fairly groundless.
    Any other downsides people could point out would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Member shelomit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Henna design on bald patch

    The only person I know to have put henna on their scalp is permanently bald, so I don't have any advice about potential issues with regrowing. I would imagine that, with caution taken not to disturb the hairs, it shouldn't be a problem unless your scalp is especially sensitive to drying. One thing to keep in mind with "art" henna is that it stains darker on thicker skin, so don't expect as vibrant a design on your scalp as you would on, e.g., fingertips or the soles of your feet.

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