I may have some pieces that you're interested in, do you have any idea of the functional length you'd need?
I'm new to the board and hoping to explore some new-to-me hair toys!
I fell in love at first sight with GrahtoeStudio's antler and tusk pieces (specifically avalon and noctiluca) when I saw them and then learned of their maker's sad passing. I would absolutely love to own and try some of their magnificent work. If you're ready to part with yours, please feel free to sell them to me!
Because I'm in Canada, shipping and customs charges add up quickly so buying multiple pieces from a single seller is extra awesome. GTS are my most coveted items but I'm also curiously in search of helix forks, TimberstoneTurnings hairsticks, moons (especially small ones for half-dos), a large and small Elymwold gothic fork (I know how unlikely this is, lol!) and anything else that's particularly interesting and strikes my fancy! I love natural materials, so bone, antler, wood and horn are extra intriguing to me. Please feel free to leave a message or PM me if you have something you'd like to sell! Thanks so much!
Last edited by LadyGuin; March 6th, 2023 at 11:58 AM. Reason: specifics
I may have some pieces that you're interested in, do you have any idea of the functional length you'd need?
I have a Grahtoe Studio dragonclaw tusk for sale in my one current sale thread, and a Redheart 4 prong GrahtoeStudio in my other sale thread. I am in Canada and will accept payment in CAD with things like rounding to even numbers once we convert the dollar to CAD, and/or possible discounts if you took both.
Last edited by Calaelen; March 5th, 2023 at 11:12 PM.
Lady Calaelen of Eden's Nook Designer of Fetching Forks in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!
Hello! You have so many lovely pieces! I didn't know about the dragonclaw tusk! I did a little bit more research (tricky with so many missing links and pictures!) and I'm looking for avalon and/or noctiluca tusks right now, or possibly minis. But I did spot something else I will pm you about! Thanks!
If you post your hair's length and thickness in inches we can predict needed functional length pretty well.For a regular bun the fork's prong just need to be a little longer than your bun's diameter. I don't have a lot of hair but I like infinity fun so I do use longer forks.
That would be very kind! My hair is 27.5" long and about 4.25-4.5" thick in a ponytail (though I do have a bunch of layers too). I'm fine with prongs showing, I hope to grow my hair longer, and I'm partial to putting it half-up/half-down, so I think there's a lot of flexibility. My hair also may actually be fine but it's definitely slippery and has a tendency to push giant bobby pins, little bobby pins, scrunchies and elastics out of my hair. I don't know if that's helpful?
You're blessed with thick hair.I think you'll do well with forks that have FP 4.5" to 5". That's for buns like cinnamon bun, lazy wrap, you know those round kind. With your thickness and length you might not be able to do many of the fancy knots and buns yet. For half-up buns 4" would be good.