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Thread: Oregano and clementine rinse

  1. #1

    Default Oregano and clementine rinse

    I tried a new thing today I have always liked tea and herbal rinses, as they don't build up on my hair and smell lovely. Today I brewed a very generous mug of oregano tea, let a portion of it sit infusing with fresh clementine peels, and let all the strained leaves sit in the fridge with water for around 6 hours. I then combined those two oregano teas and used then on my clean, freshly washed hair (with my usual hydrolate shampoo), and let it sit for about 5 minutes.
    My hair felt really soft and detangled, which is nice, and my waves held together with little to no manipulation. I added a minimal amount of my solid conditioner (I dont want to risk drying my ends). Right now I'm waiting for my hair to dry (no leave-in or stylers) and I'll share my results and/or add tweaks or more detailed instructions to the recipe.
    growing to APL

  2. #2
    Member Lesley8's Avatar
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    Sep 2020

    Default Re: Oregano and clementine rinse

    I love hair rinses my favourite is rosemary sometimes I add acv, yours sounds really nice

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oregano and clementine rinse

    Quote Originally Posted by Lesley8 View Post
    I love hair rinses my favourite is rosemary sometimes I add acv, yours sounds really nice
    I'm also a fan of ACV, but I have never tried rosemary! Adding it to my list of rinses to try
    growing to APL

  4. #4
    Member Lesley8's Avatar
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    Default Re: Oregano and clementine rinse

    I really love rosemary my hair always looks so shiny and feels soft.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oregano and clementine rinse

    Hm, oregano... interesting!

    I should do an herbal rinse on my hair again soon, as I haven't done one in a long while. Helps it be less tangly, and when I was around middle and high school my mom said she thought they helped my hair be less greasy as well. I usually use some combination of rosemary, chamomile, calendula and/or marigold, horsetail, yarrow, juniper berries, and hibiscus (I think it's the hibiscus that really helps with the detangling). I've not tried oregano, though... maybe I should! (I haven't tried catnip as I don't want the cat to eat my head in the middle of the night, lol. I hear nettle is also good but I've not tried that, either. I keep wondering too if I should use something like marshmallow root, as the mucilage is supposed to be good for tangles. I never have because I was always afraid it would make my hair sticky and even more tangly...)
    Putting it in my signature because I have to say it so often:
    Do what works for your hair, not what other people say is "right" or "wrong." If it works for you, it's not wrong. If it doesn't work for you, it's not right.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oregano and clementine rinse

    Quote Originally Posted by Kat View Post
    Hm, oregano... interesting!

    I should do an herbal rinse on my hair again soon, as I haven't done one in a long while. Helps it be less tangly, and when I was around middle and high school my mom said she thought they helped my hair be less greasy as well. I usually use some combination of rosemary, chamomile, calendula and/or marigold, horsetail, yarrow, juniper berries, and hibiscus (I think it's the hibiscus that really helps with the detangling). I've not tried oregano, though... maybe I should! (I haven't tried catnip as I don't want the cat to eat my head in the middle of the night, lol. I hear nettle is also good but I've not tried that, either. I keep wondering too if I should use something like marshmallow root, as the mucilage is supposed to be good for tangles. I never have because I was always afraid it would make my hair sticky and even more tangly...)
    I mainly used the oregano because I'd waited one too many days to wash my hair, and since I have an extremely finicky scalp, I didn't want to anger the yeast gods so I used oregano since oregano oil is supposed to be an antifungal. It did work! No flareups this far.
    My hair didnt feel crunchy or tangled at all, but my hair rarely if never tangles when wet. It dried with very light definition, but it definitely felt super soft. Since I added the clementine peel I smelled like citrus all day in a pleasant, subtle way.
    I didn't know the bit about mucilage! I don't think I can get marshmallow roots easily here, but I'm curious. My next rinse is going to be tea of dried hibiscus flowers.
    growing to APL

  7. #7
    Member Lesley8's Avatar
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    Default Re: Oregano and clementine rinse

    Lavender and vanilla is also a nice rinse

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oregano and clementine rinse

    Quote Originally Posted by aloewurly View Post
    I mainly used the oregano because I'd waited one too many days to wash my hair, and since I have an extremely finicky scalp, I didn't want to anger the yeast gods so I used oregano since oregano oil is supposed to be an antifungal. It did work! No flareups this far.
    My hair didnt feel crunchy or tangled at all, but my hair rarely if never tangles when wet. It dried with very light definition, but it definitely felt super soft. Since I added the clementine peel I smelled like citrus all day in a pleasant, subtle way.
    I didn't know the bit about mucilage! I don't think I can get marshmallow roots easily here, but I'm curious. My next rinse is going to be tea of dried hibiscus flowers.
    Oh, my hair tangles when it's wet... when it's dry... when I've been active... when I've been sitting very still... when I leave it down... when I braid it... when I put it in a bun... I always thought I was doing something wrong with handling it until my mom told me that the reason she encouraged me to cut my hair short as a kid was because she was sick of my crying as she tried to detangle my hair. Tangling is just my hair's superpower.
    Putting it in my signature because I have to say it so often:
    Do what works for your hair, not what other people say is "right" or "wrong." If it works for you, it's not wrong. If it doesn't work for you, it's not right.

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