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Thread: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

  1. #11

    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    I just read this on Arctic's blog
    A while back I had actually removed my pics back to my laptop, because you couldn't log in most of the time and I was fearful something would happen.
    This was the one site I used it for, so if needed I will just upload from my pc or start an album here again.

    After hearing the news, I made sure all my pics were removed, deleted my account, and gave them the reason(s) when I was asked about the deletion with you all in mind!

    Thanks everyone for for the IMGUR info; I don't really need hosting as much these days, but do like my privacy, so that was helpful.

    I am so sorry for all those that lost all their pics

    Good luck with the transition
    Last edited by Groovy Granny; June 28th, 2017 at 10:59 PM.

  2. #12
    Long tea-time for hair neko_kawaii's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    I downloaded all my photophucket images in one file (super easy to do, but be patient. Go to Library, scroll down a little, on the right hand side there is a "download album" link that will create a zip file and email you the link when it is ready. Make sure your email is correct and current!)

    I was hoping to upload them all to Google, but that reassigned file names so my plan of searching the new host for the old file names based on the old URL in my blog posts failed, and I can't sort by actual newest/oldest for some reason, they are all mixed up chronologically, so that doesn't help in locating one among ~2K. *blush* I photo blog a lot it appears!

    Any suggestions for a host that will accommodate that? I suppose I could upload in batches for each blog I want to re-image, because I can sort the images in the file on my hard drive.

    58.5 in, 2a, F, ii (3 in)
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  3. #13
    Resident Streaker Crystawni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    This PB stitch-up effects so much of the interwebs, though. If you're searching for info where there's descriptive pics, especially from years ago, PB links will be broken and probably won't be redone. So many forums. So many posts. So much will be lost.

    I'm imgur'ing while downloading all my Photophucket stuff (zipped files, with pics having weirdo PB namumbers). My head wants to assplode.
    Last edited by Crystawni; June 28th, 2017 at 10:59 PM.
    Lady Soreil, Fey-Born Bard in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
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  4. #14
    Member Willowyn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    Quote Originally Posted by Crystawni View Post
    This PB stitch-up effects so much of the interwebs, though. If you're searching for info where there's descriptive pics, especially from years ago, PB links will be broken and probably won't be redone. So many forums. So many posts. So much will be lost.
    I KNOW. The loss is huge. Just think of all the forums and blogs, etc. I suppose it's possible that the sheer mass of files stored and accessed through 3rd parties increased their operating costs to a point where advertising couldn't support it. But really, no notice? And going from free to $399?

    "Put down roots. Grow strong. Stay flexible."

  5. #15

    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    Quote Originally Posted by Willowyn View Post
    I KNOW. The loss is huge. Just think of all the forums and blogs, etc. I suppose it's possible that the sheer mass of files stored and accessed through 3rd parties increased their operating costs to a point where advertising couldn't support it. But really, no notice? And going from free to $399?

    I hadn't read the cost; that is INSANE

  6. #16
    Resident Streaker Crystawni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    It's almost like they've been hacked, but I noticed reddit users were onto it about 4 days ago. Mass evac. of PB will defs hurt their bottom line now, as they'll lose a lot of printing ops as well. I wonder if it will go the way of other "once free, then pay $$, now extinct" hosting sites... The cost is almost $530 AUD, which is highway robbery.

    ETA: And NO, PB, I'm not a robot. STILL. Evah. Gah. NOT A ROBOT. I made too many albums, obviously...
    Last edited by Crystawni; June 28th, 2017 at 11:30 PM.
    Lady Soreil, Fey-Born Bard in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
    ~spider silk fine, 4.5" pony circ.~

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  7. #17
    surprised her hair's long Corvana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    I haven't actually been on PB for like... a good year and a half? Two years? So this was a good chance to just go and download all the stuff I had there (found some photos I thought were missing!). Amazingly, windows 10 has native zipping/unzipping abilities, so I don't even need winzip or something to do it. Woo! And then I deleted my account because I literally never use it, and they're not useful to me either.

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  8. #18
    TERMINAL LENGTH Sarahlabyrinth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    Are they trying to scam people?

    I have joined Imgur now. So,... how do you upload a picture from Imgur to the LHC?
    Last edited by Sarahlabyrinth; June 29th, 2017 at 01:19 AM.

  9. #19
    surprised her hair's long Corvana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarahlabyrinth View Post
    Are they trying to scam people?

    I have joined Imgur now. So,... how do you upload a picture from Imgur to the LHC?
    You hover over the image you'd like to share, and at the top right a url appears along with a drop down arrow. You'll want the arrow, as that will give you the normal code offerings like img tags or html. You'll click the "get share links" option, and there they'll be! Like this:

    ETA: the URL that originally pops up isn't the direct image link, so it won't work with img tags. That URL for the pic in the background is, while the direct image url is

    The difference is small enough that you could just add the i. before imgur and .png after, but that's about as much effort as using the drop down arrow!
    Last edited by Corvana; June 29th, 2017 at 02:26 AM.

    Maintaining at Hip-BCL for now.
    Lady Corvana, Keeper of Ravens and Crows in the Order of the Long Haired Knights

  10. #20
    TERMINAL LENGTH Sarahlabyrinth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Photobucket change in TOS - unavailable images

    Quote Originally Posted by Corvana View Post
    You hover over the image you'd like to share, and at the top right a url appears along with a drop down arrow. You'll want the arrow, as that will give you the normal code offerings like img tags or html. You'll click the "get share links" option, and there they'll be! Like this:

    Thank you. But which one do I use? Can I just copy and paste onto LHC like I could from PB?

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