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Thread: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

  1. #5731
    Member DKSABS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    Jocosobe, I love your collage. What an awesome idea! Your virgin hair looks so healthy and beautiful now.
    Last edited by DKSABS; September 16th, 2014 at 07:21 PM.

  2. #5732
    Member CurlMonster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    Quote Originally Posted by butterflybutton View Post
    CurlMonster, your hair is so beautiful!
    Aww, thank you!

    Currently at hip ~ Trimming out layers and damage ~ Growing until my braid tassle tickles my pony's back when riding.

  3. #5733
    Member abauer789's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    Sofialu, your color is so pretty! I think that now that your hair has past the eyebrow stage you will notice faster progress. I know I did.
    You are lucky your natural color is so lovely!!

  4. #5734
    Member Chocowalnut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    I am wanting to grow my natural color out finally after never having my natural color since a kid.. can anybody tell me what my natural hair color is(album in my profile)? And suggestions b/c I want to go get something done to the color of my hair so bad, it is driving me crazy these roots.

    "The dreams of childhood- its airy fables,its graceful, beautiful, humane, impossible adornments of the world beyond; so good to be believed in once, so good to be remembered when outgrown..." - Charles Dickens

  5. #5735
    Member Ingrid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    Congratulations, jocosobe!! It must feel fantastic to have all your natural hair back I've been growing mine for 19 months too, but I've taken the micro-trimming approach because I still want to be able to put up my hair. Thanks for sharing the collage of all the progress photos! Good luck with growing your beautiful natural hair

    abauer789, thanks for sharing your motivational experiences with your virgin hair, they're always so encouraging to read!

    And Sofialu, your natural hair colour is lovely, and the demarcation line is not really noticeable.

    Here's my hair:

    The natural colour on my under-canopy layers is below my shoulders

  6. #5736
    Member ReneeG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chocowalnut View Post
    I am wanting to grow my natural color out finally after never having my natural color since a kid.. can anybody tell me what my natural hair color is(album in my profile)? And suggestions b/c I want to go get something done to the color of my hair so bad, it is driving me crazy these roots.

    It looks like a light brown/dark blonde color to me, and lovely! The first few inches are hard, but once you get a few more it will be easier. Also, you will be able to really tell what color it is once you have more length to judge off of! Did you color it with a permanent dark brown last? I'm sure it will fade over time, or maybe you can try Color B4 or something similar to remove some of the color on your length if you want to try to lighten it closer to your natural color? A lot of people who have a hard time dealing with roots will remove as much dyed color as possible and then use a Demi permanent color over that length to make the rest as close as possible to their virgin growth (without touching any of the virgin roots of course), but you can always just stick it out as it is, it's the healthier route. Whatever you choose good luck!
    Ear Length - Shoulder Length - Arm Pit Length - Mid Back Length - Waist Length -Hip Length- Butt Crack Length? Tailbone Length? No idea where I'll stop!

  7. #5737
    Member ReneeG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    Good job Sofiali! Your natural color fades so nicely with your old colored length, very pretty

    Good job also Ingrid! I LOVE your natural color, the sun makes it look like liquid steel or something, sooo pretty, and you've really grow a ton of natural length.
    Ear Length - Shoulder Length - Arm Pit Length - Mid Back Length - Waist Length -Hip Length- Butt Crack Length? Tailbone Length? No idea where I'll stop!

  8. #5738
    Member Chocowalnut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    Quote Originally Posted by ReneeG View Post
    It looks like a light brown/dark blonde color to me, and lovely! The first few inches are hard, but once you get a few more it will be easier. Also, you will be able to really tell what color it is once you have more length to judge off of! Did you color it with a permanent dark brown last? I'm sure it will fade over time, or maybe you can try Color B4 or something similar to remove some of the color on your length if you want to try to lighten it closer to your natural color? A lot of people who have a hard time dealing with roots will remove as much dyed color as possible and then use a Demi permanent color over that length to make the rest as close as possible to their virgin growth (without touching any of the virgin roots of course), but you can always just stick it out as it is, it's the healthier route. Whatever you choose good luck!
    It's actually henna on the length, which I love the conditioning of it but it doesn't like to stay red really it looks more brown like you said which I don't like and I also want to have my natural color. I have been thinking of doing something like that with the length but I don't want to cause damage so idk esp. w/ henna how that would work..

    "The dreams of childhood- its airy fables,its graceful, beautiful, humane, impossible adornments of the world beyond; so good to be believed in once, so good to be remembered when outgrown..." - Charles Dickens

  9. #5739

    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    abauer789 Thanks so much!! It feels so nice to finally have all natural hair!
    Sofialu, thanks for sharing your photos aswell! I think we've got equal hair growth speed, at 9 months my hair was by my eyebrow level too! The first year feels a little bit slower though, since the hair needs to grow past the more rounded arena of your head, if you know what I mean.
    When it starts growing below your ears, it's just growing down, which I at least feel kind of speeds up the process. You're natural color is amazing, and the dyed hair blends in so good with the newgrowth!
    DKABS Thank you!!! Yeah, It was so much fun taking photos and finally putting everything together! Taking monthly pictures of the progress is a great way of keeping yourself motivated, and helps with the patience part too I think!
    Ingrid, Thank you! It truly feels fantastic! Congratulations on your progress too! You're hair has so much shine, and the color is beautiful!

  10. #5740
    Not a fan of labels. missblueeyes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.

    Probably not the best picture to show off my regrowth but I'm really proud of myself that I made it this far! I've been growing the bleach out since July. I'm so excited for my natural haircolour, especially since it gets lighter and lighter the longer it grows. I do have to say that I love the bleach blonde sock bun, though.

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