just posting to introduce myself...
i am Tiffany... i am the mom to an 8 y/o girl and two giant furry babies.
i found myself here after, having worn my hair up a lot lately, i discovered just how long my hair had gotten.
i had had very short hair from 16-26... and then i kept it just past my shoulders for a while... then i started using simple organic products, avoiding sulfates & usually cones, staying away from the dryer for the most part (my bangs have to beaten into submission)... and my hair just stayed healthy... so i let it grow. i haven't had a trim in probably 5 months... it just hasn't been necessary, there are almost no split ends.
i use the giovanni line & my hair loves it. it's the only time i haven't had to switch it up.
my hair is almost to my waist now (though my natural waist is high... about 5" below my bra on my back). according to the measuring rules here it's 28". the strands are fine, but there is A LOT of it. my ponytail is about 3.5". i am not sure about the type... i am thinking 1c/2a... but i would love input, as i am new to the codes.
here is my hair in it's natural state. i detangled it when it was wet & air dried it down.
and this is lower. this is a terrible picture, but this is closer to my color when not in direct sunlight/flash.
Welcome! You have beautiful hair already![]()
I want my hair to be waist length NOW!
Henna addict in the making and proud owner of a steadily growing collection of oils and butters and hair toys
Your hair is absolutely gorgeous I love your length, mermaid waves and thickness![]()
Hi!Welcome to LHC!
I was thinking a 2a. Your hair is lovely, and we are truly glad to have another new member! Welcome to LHC!
Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour.~Ovid~Nae
awe you guys are so sweet! thank you for the warm welcome!
glad to be here! i look forward to learning all sorts of new things!