Hi! I'm new as well. : ) I was also directed here. I'm trying to regrow my hair -- I cropped it off a year and a half ago when I moved down to Hong Kong at the end of summer and am now determined to grow it long -- or at least longer -- again.
Hi guys, I was directed to this site from a good friend who has amazingly long hair (knee length) to get tips and to be around people that appreciate long hair and the beauty of it, not to mention the time and upkeep. Is there a getting started post that tells what all the abb. mean and what the hair types and such are?
Anyway, thanks for having me!
Hi! I'm new as well. : ) I was also directed here. I'm trying to regrow my hair -- I cropped it off a year and a half ago when I moved down to Hong Kong at the end of summer and am now determined to grow it long -- or at least longer -- again.
Welcome you two!
Here are the links to some very useful articles:
Enjoy your stay here.
Welcome and safe travels on your long hair journey:-)
Jarl Ragnar Sigvaršsson of Hrafnsfjord
Welcome to you both! You will most likely find this place addicting!
Places to find good information are the links above on the forum for Articles and Reviews! Also check blogs! A lot of people's experiences are in there!
Once you place a candle in the dark, you can't deny the light. . Once you give to man that candle, you give his mind the power of flight. - Myself.
Lady Seyllea, Oracle of Time and Becoming in the Order of the Long Haired Knights!