I used Suave Daily Clarifying for several years when I needed a good clarify, but I was disappointed with its performance. It didn’t seem to get my scalp clean enough. I would start itching and getting gunk under my nails the same day of my wash and never felt like it did a good job. It lathers wonderfully, and it’s very cheap, but it didn’t seem to really get my scalp cleaned of debris and gunk.

I decided to try to find a favorite clarifying shampoo. I put three different shampoos in my Amazon cart for a total of $76, and decided against buying all of them at once. I ended up buying “Ouai” for $32 and used it the first time yesterday. I think my scalp actually likes this one. It doesn’t feel itchy at all! While washing my hair I noticed how nicely it lathered and how clean it rinsed.

What clarifying shampoos have you tried, and which one(s) are your favorite(s)?