A lady I know on social media posted this recipe for homemade rose vinegar! It sounds really cool and I'd like to try it. I just need to find a fermentation/pickling crock and weight. I haven't noticed much difference using vinegar rinses in the past, but it may be because I used pasteurized store-brand ACV.

I quoted her entire post, without editing, below:

"I made 1/2gallon with my vintage pink rose that is very fragrant and 1gallon slightly less fragrant but dark red rose and mixed them after fermentation. It smells like roses and vinegar. I use this as a replacement for commercial hair conditioner.

Pack about 1 part fresh rose petals to 2 parts water (or 1pack dried rose petals to 3 parts waters) add 1/4C sugar mix well. Secure rose petals submerged with grape leaves or clean stones or a fermenting weight. Cover and let set out of direct sunlight at room temp for btwn 14-30 days. It should smell like vinegar. Strain rose petals away and bottle up.

To use as conditioner after shampooing add about 1C vinegar to 3parts water and work into hair and scalp. You can rinse or let air dry as is. The vinegar smell will dissipate and you will smell like roses."